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What should the 1.2 patch include -if there will be one?

Dagobahn Eagle

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they should make some of the crashes go away and have you noticed soemtimes in the secnario editor the cloours go all werid.


If you mean the terrain colors, yeah, it's happened to me. It's part of the game, actually. Snow is green on the map, ice is orange-brown, etc. If you mean that weird color thingie that shows up when starting missions (all the colors get messed up for a second or so), I think this is caused by changing resolution. Don't know.

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You gotta love ppl who think that, because they haven't experienced crashes, it's a stable game...


I've been a PC game player for a long time. I've seen games that were even more buggy than this one. That's not the point. Point is, the net code in this game sucks. And Lucasarts doesn't appear to be concerned with fixing it. So, when friends ask me about the game, I say stay away...

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Originally posted by IG88

You gotta love ppl who think that, because they haven't experienced crashes, it's a stable game...



And in addition, you've gotta love people who think that, just because they experience crashes on their own system, that everyone else must be experiencing them too, and that, therefore, there is something making the game inherently unstable, rather than something about their own system causing the problem.

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I love you guys who love the Naboo .....


And there might be bugs.....


But having played this game online and in LAn on lots of different pcs makes me pretty sure that saying it isalmost unplayable is amongst the greatest bull I heard on these boards so far....


Saying it is unplayable on my pc, I'd say that sucks bro and try to help you...


But, as Chessack mentioned, there are those guys who thinks something sucks if it doesn't work for them.....

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Originally posted by Chessack


And in addition, you've gotta love people who think that, just because they experience crashes on their own system, that everyone else must be experiencing them too, and that, therefore, there is something making the game inherently unstable, rather than something about their own system causing the problem.



Yeah, um... I don't want to get into a debate because I rarely play this game anymore, but there are significant netcode bugs. My PC configuration is rock solid. Now, I don't expect you to believe this, because I've seen the rabble who claim they know what they're doing with their Wintendo boxes and in reality know squat. Anyhow, the game is buggy. Most people with vanilla configurations may not see it, but the problems I'm referring to are replicable on any system with the OS configured in a certain manner. Like I said, I'm not interested in debating it. I've contacted Lucasarts and explained the specific bugs to them. They've acknowledged the flaws, but claim that they didn't do sufficient QA in those particular areas. The 80/20 rule applies and since most people aren't complaining, LA isn't going to fix the majority of bugs in this game. That sucks, but it's just the way the software industry works. But, like I said before, I recommend to anyone who asks that they not buy this game.


By the way, I only check these forums periodically to see if, by chance, I'm wrong and LA does come through with significant bug fixes. But I'm not holding my breath...

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