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who here has........................

Guest Olsmo Lahun

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No, in JKRPG there are no jedi.


Here are the classes:


Mayor: Weak, but rich... has regenerating shields, has most weapons.


Assassin: Out to kill the mayor. Has an awesome sniper rifle! Can take on the guise of any character.


Guard: Guards the mayor. Has a vibro-axe. Regenerating shields, similar to the mayor's, but slower


Civilian: Self explanatory... no special abilties... depending on what they do, they can be promoted to guards/assassins


Weapon Dealer: Owns a weapon shop, sells weapons... yes, you pay him!


"Iteman": Owns a variety store, yes... you pay him!.


Doctor: Owns a hospital, can heal others.


Tuskens: AI controlled. On the side of the assassins. Find them in sewers, and in the canyon.


I'll post the stuff from the readme in the next post...

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Here is the official stuff:





An entirely new modification for Jedi Knight, allowing a whole new variety of gameplay, ranging from cat and mouse to fullblown roleplaying. Players assume roles of characters, adopting their respective arsenals and cash ammounts, and potraying them in the game.


Player Classes:


-The Mayor-

Cash: 200 credits

Weapon: Repeater Rifle, Pistol

Shields: 0

Special Capabilities: Battery to Shield convertor

Description: The dictator of Barons Hed, he declared martial law after the Empire pulled out of the area. Ruling the town with his own personal body guards, he is a dangerous enemy to anyone who opposes his law. Whether in his estate, or patrolling the streets, the Mayor of Barons Hed strikes fear in the hearts of those under his rule.


-The Guard-

Cash: 50 credits (week's pay)

Weapon: Vibro Axe, Repeater Rifle, TDs, Pistol

Shields: 100

Special Capabilities: Battery to Shield Converter

Description: The police of Barons Hed, guards are a constant threat to those who are against the Mayor and his unjust laws. They serve their master with unswaying devotion...unless someone offers them a higher pay.


-The Assassin-

Cash: 1 credit

Weapon: Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Repeater Rifle

Shields: 100

Special Capabilities: Zoom Scope, Disguise

Description: The rogues of the town, the Assassins are out to stop the Mayor and his guards at all costs, bent on restoring peace and freedom to the war-torn town. They command a small group of tusken raiders who support their cause, and strike from their hidden stronghold in the canals just outside the town.


-The Civilian-

Cash: 100 credits

Weapon: Pistol

Shields: 0

Special Capabilities: None

Description: The average citizen, civilians can be found roaming the streets, selling their wares, or living quietly inside their homes. They are the undecided folk of Barons Hed, swaying neither to the side of the Assassins, nor the Mayor's personal selection of Guards. That choice, however, is one they may soon have to make.


-The Doctor-

Cash: 50 credits

Weapon: None

Shields: 50

Special Capabilities: Healing

Description: The lone Medicine man, the doctor serves the injured and dying of his town. He always carries a first aid kit which he uses to heal the victims of urban war, and also administers treatment to the sick in his small but functional hospitol.


-The Weapon Vender-

Cash: 100 credits

Weapon: Crossbow, Pistol

Shields: 0

Special Capabilities: None

Description: A famous survivor of the local Imperial resistance back in the days when the imposing white armored troops patrolled the streets, the Weapon Vender offers tales of his heroism and powerful ammunitions to anyone who happens by his shop. A favorite friend of Assassin and Guard alike, this is the man to see when you need a weapon, no questions asked.


-The Items Vender-

Cash: 100 credits

Weapon: Pistol

Shields: 100

Special Capabilities: None

Description: The Item Vender is the one to see when your shields need mending and your batteries are low. His tiny shop, located near the weapon store, is his base of operations, but his merchandise can be purchased in multiple locations.




Yes, it's an awesome mod!

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