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Originally posted by Naphtali

Rave.. why so much animosity towards the X box, is it because its just a power PC stripped into a console? Or because they dont have a real game engine like PS2 or GC?

Dont get me wrong I knew the Xbox wasn't going to be great.


Well in the beginning when it was first announced it sounded amazing, it was to have a 1Ghz processor which at the time even PCs didnt have..........but then the specs slowly slowly got reduced until it was slower than even the PCs that were around when it was first announced. Then they went and stuck a second rate graphics card in it. The final specs put me off quite a bit. And anyway, all the good games get put onto PC eventually anyway and their so much better, graphically and the gameplay :)

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

anyway, all the good games get put onto PC eventually anyway and their so much better, graphically and the gameplay :)


Except for:


- Crazy Taxi 3

- Jet Set Radio Future

- Metal Gear Solid X

- Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

- Panzer Dragoon

- Project Ego

- Shenmue II

- Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams

- Turok: Evolution

- Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions


Can't think of anything else at the moment.

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