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    • This is the coolest thing EVER!
    • Its good, but some fine tuning could do it some good
    • Its mearly okay
    • You need a hobby

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ooooooh can i make a kingdom too.....that can be added to "the database"


Player: krkode


E-mail: krkode@yahoo.com


Kingdom name: Sherwood Forest (Nottingham)


Kingdom Race: Human


Leaders name: guess........Robin Hood


prefferd terrian: Forest Lands...trees


Strategy of kingdom: Stealth, Archery,


We are religious so we ally with the good races....


Unique Unit: Armoured Horsed Longbowmen (we ride on arabian stalions)

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@JK and Clefo: our chat room is always welcome to excellent causes and ideas like this....go to http://krkode.proboards.com and go to the blue chatroom button on the top


sorry clefo, i was previously too lazy to read that.....


ok new ones....PS would i go to jail for using robin hood?


Player: krkode


E-mail: krkode@yahoo.com


Kingdom name: Edok


Kingdom Race: Humans


Leaders name: Kithrak


prefferd terrian: Grasslands


Strategy of kingdom: Finesse


Unique Unit: Horsemen....really good ones...Archers and Swordsmen...just for saying it call us "The Riders of Edok"

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Guest SlashAndBurn

So how many good, neutral and evil races do we have?


Also are there going to be any specific rules about player/empire interaction? Say a 'good' race wants to ally with an 'evil' race will that be allowed? What about the summoning of demons and such?

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Man, this stuff is great! How i would love to join, but i just don't have the time. This is a great idea. Clefo, keep those gears cranking and you guys have fun playing. hopefully in the future i might be able to join and play if you guys do something like this again

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Originally posted by silenthunter

Can I join?


Player name: silenthunter

player e-mail: silenthunter001@hotmail.com

Kingdom name: Luthàenor

Race: Human

Leaders name: Lord Rethanien

Preffered territory: forest, wooded areas (EDIT: Oh wait, I guess forest isn't a chooseable terrain. do you think you could make it one?)

Kingdom strategy: finesse


well looks like your our last player, we have room for one....


come to http://clefoa.proboards6.com whole forums going on booming


btw sorry to say the only area/region left on the map is desert, so you may want to change your preferred terrain to desert if your really serious on playing, you must catch up on a lot of things like alliances, since you chose human you may want to ally with me as clefo is against humans ;)

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