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Site for the Senators to call home?

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

Is there a site planned for the community to go to view items on the Senate's agenda? If not, I would be happy to create a site with the opinions and ideas from the mods and member who indeed do make it to be a Senator.

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Guest crazy_dog

Oh can I be authorised? Remember how much I did for the Senate? (Ok, so it was only a thread about senate terms) :D


Actaully, isn't it more democratic to give everyone aothorisation but if they break serios forum rules and are going to be given 1 more chance, thier aouthorisiation is taken off them and thier IP to make sure.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by crazy_dog

Actaully, isn't it more democratic to give everyone aothorisation but if they break serios forum rules and are going to be given 1 more chance, thier aouthorisiation is taken off them and thier IP to make sure.


No, that would be like having everyone be senator, and that would defeat the whole purpose of the elections and all. Plus, the senate forum would get overly crowd and nuts like viper and others would come in an just spam a ton.

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