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A Guide To Air-defense


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This is just a start to get a discussion going on air-defense, so dig in..


In my opinion, having about four air-defense mechs and a small amount of anti-air troops with a sizeable force is enough to eliminate any air-threat in battle. You see, air-units don't automatically attack anti-air units. And while they're picking on your other units, they get slaughtered by the anti-air pack. One missile does 50% damage in the worst circumstances, making just two of them deadly, while lasers from fighters need a tenfold-volley to get rid of just one anti-air mech.


This leaves room for more regular units, because you don't need that many anti-air units.


Or do you disagree ?!? ;)

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

In my opinion, having about four air-defense mechs and a small amount of anti-air troops with a sizeable force is enough to eliminate any air-threat in battle. You see, air-units don't automatically attack anti-air units.



I mostly play agains the comp. and thus don't have much experience against humans, but I have to say, if you tried to attack me with such a force, while I was playing Naboo or the Rebs, you'd be dead meat. I always, always micromanage my forces, and I always have all fighters take out all AA forces before I go after the regular troops -- since regular troops can't harm air forces. Only after all the AAs have been wiped out do I go after the regular forces with bombers and fighters.


My typical "final assault" force as the Rebs or Naboo consists of at least one 30-bomber and 2 20-fighter squadrons (escorts). The bombers go after the enemy's AA turrets and fortress(es), while the fighters patrol around the skies, both confusing AA fire (the AA towers are wasting shots shooting at them, but often do), and also looking for AA units to pick off. If all you really have is a handful of AA, such a massive air assault would wipe the floor with your defenses.


Again, I'm not saying you're a bad player... but the force you described would be sitting ducks against any real, shielded, armored, air power force of fighters and bombers. Oh, you might take out a few of my aircraft... but not before your whole force was toast.

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Originally posted by Chessack


I mostly play agains the comp. and thus don't have much experience against humans, but I have to say, if you tried to attack me with such a force, while I was playing Naboo or the Rebs, you'd be dead meat.


No offence but a decent human player, probably wouldnt allow you to build up a force of 60 odd aircraft. A decent player is harder to beat than the comp on hardest setting.

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Originally posted by duder


No offence but a decent human player, probably wouldnt allow you to build up a force of 60 odd aircraft. A decent player is harder to beat than the comp on hardest setting.


You are quite right, Duder, but that is why I did preface my comments with a caveat that I mainly play against the computer. I will point a few things out though:


1. My 60+ air power strike force is my final blow, not something I expect to build up in early T3.


2. The original post sort of assumed playing against either someone really stupid, someone who lets the AI control his forces at all times (or nearly all), or playing against the computer -- as it specifically describes how air units "don't attack AA forces first." My primary point was, just as any decent non-air-power based enemy will have AA defenses... any decent air power based enemy will be smart enough to go after those AA defenses first, and ignore all ground forces until such time as the AA defense network is out of commission. when I see the computer doing an AA supported rush (usually 8 or so AA troopers along with maybe 30 or so other units), I always send in my fighters as a group, and target them to one AA trooper at a time until all AA forces are gone. If even a few of my fighters have survived this encounter (and they almost always do), then the ground forces are toast.


So yes, against a poor player (or someone poor at air power) or against the computer, a handful of AA troops may be enough to protect your mech army. But against someone who knows what he is doing, you'll need a lot of AA toopers/mobiles to defend yourself against air power. That was my point.

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