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Does anyone else think that the weapons in JO look alot like the ones in DF1?


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They had a wide Thermal Detonator blast in TPM, and I found it to be a double-edged sword.

I liked the way it could clear out a room very quickly--and it would be very cool to drop a detonator, run out of range and watch as the Stormies flip(!!!) out of the room!!!:D :D :D


On the other hand, it would make the game seem, I don't know, unbalanced. The power the TD would have...

My main concern would be enemy AI. Would they still chuck the TDs at you at point blank range??? And even if thy did it from afar, would enemies and civilians closeby be affected?

And would the effectiveness of the blast reduce the further it spread, or would the whole radius be affected equally?


You know, all things considered...I DON'T CARE!!!

It's JK2 for cryin' out loud!!!

Are we gonna complain over a TD radius, or are we gonna slice each other to ribbons with the lightsabers???

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ya, i like the look of the new/old stormie rifle ;)

brings back memories of runnin thru that damned mine on lvl 5 of df..... damn that lvl was hard.......




The conc looked the same tho in both games.


what madness is this?!? the conc in jk looked completely different from the conc in df!!!!!!!

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I had no problem with the power of the td's in DF, JK, and MotS. Trouble was.. they should have just been some other type of grenade. The whole idea of the thermal detonator was to suggest (in the movies) that it was super powerful, and in the EU they make it sound like it can level a small building...


But, they wanted it to look cool and be from Star Wars, so that's my guess as to why it was a thermal detonator and not some other generic explosive.

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