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When you leave Kyle alone for a while, same as JK!?


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I'm wonderin what will happen when you dont touch the mouse or keys for a while.


If i remember correctly, in DF2: JK, the camera would start to move around Kyle, and he would "play around" with his lightsaber. With the new graphics engine, I can think that this alone would look amazing!




*hoping they incorporated that in JO*

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As long as he doesn't use it as a back scrather again :)



I'd like to see him do some of the following things


  • Crack his knuckles
  • Lean on the saber like a walking stick, only to have it melt through the ground and him fall over :D
  • After a lonnnng time, turn around and face us, and give us a funny look
  • Scratch his head with his hand
  • Spin the saber with his wrist and hand
  • Drop his saber (or gun) accidentely and gasp in surprise, then pick it up
  • Start nodding off, and swaying, then wake up with a jolt.
  • Pull out something and start eating.
  • Flex his old man muscles.
  • If he's got a gun, peer into the barrell...


They won't happen, but still, it'd be funny.

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I'm sure there'll be SOME quiet moments, trailers just arent made for that, lol



I think it would allow for some great "kodak" screenshot moments.


Imagine you standing in a room with 5 dead stormtroopers laying on the ground, camera moves around, your lightsaber is still on.





sweet screenshot number one is taken :)

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hadnt read that when i replied first :)


Indeed that would be funny!


Also, him making a little dance would be nice, lol

And i remember the backscratching fondly.


Some saber twirling ala Obi-Wan seems nice.


Ohhh i know another one, which would be hilarious if it could come out right.


Him moving his lightsaber as if he is fighting an invisible guy with a lightsaber, and kyle making lightsaber noises with his mouth, lol


like all actors seem to do first time they get a saber for the movies


Maybe that would be best if he had it turned off so there wouldnt be real saber sound interfearing

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That would truly.. truly.. make me a happy camper.. if JK2 was a great game AND we saw the return of the lightsaber as a shaving tool.


BUT, we need something for the women to do... the stuff in MotS with Mara "burning" her hand on the blade was cute though.


Maybe they could shave their legs, or their armpits or something... (apologies to any European women reading this).

; )

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He could turn off the sabre and starting to throw it up and re-catch, just as it would be a coin (don't know if this is clear, i'm not english).

Or if he is carrying a gun he could do like Lucky Luke (not Skywalker :p ) rotating it around his finger...

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