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Gamorrean Guards?


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Au contraiare'!:D


I'm looking back at the November PC Gamer article right now, and as I thought I remembered:


If a Gamorrean Guard is about to pull the alarm on you, you can do what I did and pull a Jedi-Mind Trick on him


Fear not digl, they certainly are in the game.:D

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There's a lot of classic DF series characters that might not fit into the sp STORY, but that I would love to see appear in multiplayer....


Imagine, a Gammorean Guard Jedi/Sith? ; )


Mon Mothma is funny enough, but JK had style with the Rodian and Protocol Droids... gotta have some of that finesse in the new game too!

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Originally posted by Silent_One

They certainly were stupid. They werer stupid in the movies too... and the book series. Just imagine how easy it will be to pull force mind trick on them;) :):D


Well they were never meant to be clever. Maybe that would be a reason for them not to be included. The AI is just too good for them :lol:

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I liked the way they looked in Dark Forces much better than their appearance in Jedi Knight. They weren't that hard to defeat in either game, I usually just used my stormtrooper rifle on em. Althouth the lightsaber secondary attack seemed to take care of them pretty quick.

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