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Different Clothing??????


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When I watched the trailer Kyle had the same clothing throughout the time in the cutscenes and when it was third person view. So Iam asking will Kyle change his clothing?



lets say Kyle gets shot anywhere(like his leg or arm) will there be holes in his clothing?


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Let's make this a little more specific.


Have there been any Q3 Engine Based games where the character would have different clothing as he/she progressed through the game?


Did NOLF have clothing changes? Or could you tell?


Actually, it would be kind of hard to tell since most games are 1st Person View only wouldn't it?

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In Medal of Honor (also Quake III based) you steal a German uniform. While it isn't 3rd Person, you see the guys sleeves change when you're holding a weapon. But then later, you're running around in snowy levels and you have the same uniform on you had when fighting the Afrika Korps, which is kind of funny when you think about it, slight oversight.


Peharps near the end when Kyle is once again a Jedi Knight, he will wear something alittle more Jedi-like. Maybe when he fully embraces his destiny (probably just before he faces whatever the main bad guy is) he'll change into something more aproptriate for a Jedi Knight.


Though that probably won't happen since Luke in the new screenshot doesn't look very jedi-like (he looks like he's wearing something similar to what he was wearing in Return of the Jedi, I was expecting Jedi Robes).


If there isn't any costume changes, I don't think it will affect the game. It'd be neat though.

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It would be cool to have different clothes for different levels, but would be kind of difficult to implement. I mean, you'd have to make different models of Kyle for every cloth change. Plus you'd have to figure out which style is best for each level, which takes time. And since we want JO out asap, I'd guess that different clothes would be pretty low on their priority list.


But of course, I could be completely off my rocker on this subject.....

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i don't know, i think they should and i think they shouldn't i.e.: they should have c.c. (clothing change) becuase in one of the snow levels that i saw kyle should at least have a jacket he looks like he needs one but i think they shouldn't have c.c. because it would take a lttile longer to put in. now if they do have clothing change he has his normal outfit on plus a cloak.

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Welcome to the forums phoenix215. I hope you enjoy your stay!




Originally posted by CaptainRAVE


Does it really matter if Kyle changes his clothes


No...but it just shows that we have run out of things to talk about! If anyone from Raven is reading this, the release of the game may, if nothing else, prevent unnecessary boredom.

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No...but it just shows that we have run out of things to talk about!

AND actually we have already spoke about clothing most recently in here. You will find my oppinion there, so I'm not gonna take part in series of discussions that have been recycled so many times... Now THAT really shows the fact we have "run out of things to talk about!" :rolleyes:

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