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No Demo!!!


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Welcome to the forums the_immortal. Hope you enjoy your stay. Here...


*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion* There you go. ;)


Thanks for clearing that up, ChangKhan. :) So there you have it, the decision rests with Lucasarts...but if they say a demo must come out before the game is released, then expect the game to be delayed. Seeing the recent trailer has minimised some of my earlier reservations about the game. As I've said in previous posts, I think this is going to be a different breed from it's predecessor, to be judged on it's own merits. A demo would have gone some way to make a more informed judgement, but I hav enough faith in the game (and the developer) that I've already pre-ordered, so for me the question is academic. Nevertheless, I too think it would be pointless delaying the release of the full game simply to get a demo out of the door.


Release the game...then do a demo if it's absolutely necessary (and it may be for some people before they will consider getting the full version). :)


SlowbieOne...I'd take that with a pinch of salt. Sometimes mags promise a demo, then don't deliver at all - or it happens a couple of months later. Other times they promise a demo, and it turns out to be a video. I would say it's hard for them to hint at a demo when the decision doesn't seem to have been made yet. :)

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Maybe he is trying to fool us....maybe they already have one done and have for awhile and he just thought he would fool us into thinking that we wouldn't get one so it will be more of a suprise....i wonder.


I think it would be cool to have a demo, i don't think it will ruin anything, the real game will be outstanding and they won't put everything in the demo, so we will be drooling for some more. I think it would help tide some of these people over too. I personally would like a demo, but i don't want it to slow down the process of making the game if they are not trying to fool us and don't truely have one done. so there you have it.


slowbie who is this source?? Gonk? how do you know it is realiable.

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Ouch...btw, I've already made my decision to buy it, so a demo will make no difference to me if it comes out after. If before, then it'll be just to keep me until the game, but it's not necessary for there to be a demo if it'll delay the full release. I'd rather get the full version earlier.

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It would make sense for them to make a demo after the game is out, think of it, we got a demo before the first game because it was an unproven product, after the demo sales skyrocketed, now they know that those same people will automatically buy JK2, so the purpose a demo would serve would be for those who casually download demos to find a "diamond in the rough" with the hope of the demo being a spark for these people.








But I could still use a demo before.



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