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Do you think Sherack's Idea is good?


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Originally posted by GUNNER

Well, I like to feel like I have in some way tried to make a difference for the better around here by what I have done and said. And if I have let someone down some how then my job as being someones friend is in jepordy. I have met alot of people here in 3 years and I would like to think that in some way I have made there stay here more enjoyable and fun.



Well, not everyone is gonna like everything i say, thats just the way it goes. I don't want to feel like everyone hates me here of course, but you just can't take everything one says personally. Constructive criticism is fine, i care about that as it can help me, thats what your talking about i think. I'm just talking about when some jerk or some guy thats mad insults you or something like that. In that case, getting angry or bothered does no good, in fact, it does harm.


Oh well.....

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I've been posting on the LA network for about a year now, if you take my stay at JK into account... :)


Sorry krkode, but I don't consider you an oldbie. I think that the people in who joined in June are just barely approaching "oldbieness" now, considering that some ppl have been posting in forums across the LA network for 3 + years!


BTW, Gunner, all the "oldbies" are here a "newbies" compared to you! :D

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Originally posted by GUNNER

If I didn't know any better AU I would say that you like to stir the pot a little around here.


Almost to where as you want everyone to start disliking the Mods/Admins.


Or is that just me?


Stir up the pot... Hmm... Well, I don't stir the pot a little, I stir the pot a hell of a lot! I stir the pot if something needs stirred.

But when you get some arogant mod/fool running around acting like a prom queen, well,you make a bit of noise! That is why the thing with me and Rogue Nine came up. I asked to be banned, since it seemed that everyone loved him, thought he was right, thought I was crazy, when Clefo, Tie Guy, and Rogue 15 without looking at what was happening. I know they did not, and they backed up Rogue Nine because he was a mod, and obviously I am not liked too much. Hmm...

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If you haven't noticed I'm a mod to and I like ya.;) but I also have known R9 for almost 3 years and he is a good guy. He is fair and tried to do his best in every situation, but he is human and we all have our limitation and set backs...


give him a chance and get to know him, he is a great guy as I assume you are too..:cool:

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I knew you were a mod... It says forums juggernaut silly :D I am still not a half-decent friend with Rogue Nine, and I'm not sure if I ever will be. I am probably close to the most-hated forummer here. Don't let that discourage you. I just somehow seem to rouse a heck of a lot of commotion, even not when trying to. When I say I'm sorry for doing something rude, it is yelled that I am some stupid fool. It isn't pleasing. It was the thread I was sorry for asking a popularity question, and Rogue Nine and came along, and, well, that is when it started for me...

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I never saw the thread that you and R9 went at each other in but i think I know what the problem is. You might be just like R9 and myself.. We are very bullheaded and don't back down from anyone and will speak our mind at will. The problem being is when we meet head on with someone just like us then it ends up in a flame war and some fellings getting hurt.


Is this bad? No.. it's just hard to win when no one wants to give in..


I'm sure in time things will change and things will work out. And don't worry, I know lots of people here at LA that are way up on my list of irratating people and you are not one of them.;)

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Well, I've been called many things in my time, but a prom queen? That's something new.


First off, it's foolish to think of the forums as being in factions. People support me because they agree with my way of thinking, not because I'm a mod. People agree with you because they think the same way you do. Simple as that.


Second thing. Certain things rub me the wrong way and what you did rubbed me the wrong way. I just took the actions I thought were just. I'm a straightforward guy, like GUNNER said, so I tell it like it is.


And be happy you've never met Ike. Let's just say he'd be a lot less cordial than I when dealing with you.

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I am the hardest person you will find. I hold the record for flames here I think :D No one has flamed more than me! Well, with that out of the way, I am not liked by all. In fact, I am probably hated and despised, cuz I know I am. I do not back down to no one, because if I do, then I would have given up on my life. I have been through more moral dilemas then you think. They keep building on one another, and when you say" It's too bad," It is never too bad. It isn't. Because if I keep going with nothing, well, then you can with something.

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