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Jan Ors Model!!!!!!!!!!

Keiran Halcyon

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<font color=cbcbff> Hey, I've got a woman and I am proud to proclaim my geekdom to all the world. It is possible to actually have a girlfriend and be a total nerd at the same time. Difficult to balance, but possible. Find the balance Daniel san - Mr. Miagi


Anyway, I never really understood why Kyle was even tempted to strike Jan down in the first place at the top of the canyon. It's not like she did anything bad to him to incur his anger OR vengeance? She was his friend, and if anything, he owed her for saving his butt numerous times throughout the game(and the previous game). It's not like the dark side is THAT tempting that you'd want to murder your best friend without even any reason.....right?

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Originally posted by Obi

<font color=cbcbff> Hey, I've got a woman and I am proud to proclaim my geekdom to all the world. It is possible to actually have a girlfriend and be a total nerd at the same time. Difficult to balance, but possible. Find the balance Daniel san - Mr. Miagi</font color>




Yeah well, turning off the pink/purple text also helps. ;)






J/K. (Sorry, I couldn't resist. :))

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Originally posted by dazilla

Truth be told, I'm a complete geek, and I have no girl, simply because I don't have enough time, and also I haven't found someone up to my standards...I've got REALLY high standards, and I DON'T get out much.


That's a bad combo for finding a girlfriend but a good combo for finding the right girl. :)

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Sorry this off-topic, but dazilla are you LDS?

Back on topic, um great model. She does look quite real, this games graphics are almost real. Its scary, look how far we have made it since Dark Forces! Technology is doubling every two years! If it doesn't slow down i'm going to get left behind.





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Having hung up his saber for good, regular squeeze Jan Ors has finally made an honest man of him, and the two zip about the galaxy indulging in a spot of mercenary work here and there to pay the bacta bills.

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