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Online petition for a MAC JKII


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JKII MUST be released for MAC because:


- It will increase the online multiplayer communitty

- JKI is a well respected game, so it guarantees new players

- MAC users want it too!

- LA, RAven, etc. have nothing to lose.

- There's no problem (for ex., Quake 3 has been ported)

- Hey, theres profit.

- Just do it for the fans.


Please e-mail me at arslaniqbal2002@hotmail.com with your forum screen-name, supporting quote, e-mail address and suggestions. This is a matter we, JKII fans have to seriously confront. And PC users, please help out you MAC friends. It'll benefit us all.

Jedi Ars

"Do or do not, there is no 'try'." --Yoda :yoda:

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While I understand what your trying to accomplish. I am a Mac user myself. This is not the best way to do it. The best way, would be for each of you to e-mail Aspyr ( a Mac publishing company) requesting them to bring this gmae to Mac. Think about it, would you be more amazed by a petition with 2000 sigs? Or 1500 e-mails? Aspyr themselves had said e-mails are much more effective. I urge you to e-mail them.


Here's the address







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Originally posted by JediArs

JKII MUST be released for MAC because:


- It will increase the online multiplayer communitty

- JKI is a well respected game, so it guarantees new players


Probably by not much.


- LA, Raven, etc. have nothing to lose.

Yes, as some people already said. Money :) Time = Money


- Hey, theres profit.

Not by much from the profit already from PC's


PC Rules :)

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I hate to sound like a jerk here, but I know I'm going to be one anyways so here it goes:


Here's an idea, get a PC. Macs are obviously only better than PCs in the video/audio area. If you want to play games, you're going to have to buy a PC. Honestly, I only see an Apple computer as a business/development machine. PCs are more for games in my opinion.

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To be totally straightforward:


Mac s*cks!


PC rules :) :)


PC = Gamers' Life


Mac = Graphic Designers' Life


The only benchmark that Mac is better than PC is when running Photoshop.


PC = Cheap, efficient

Mac = Expensive, but not better


Thats just straightforward, no hard feelings :)

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I could prove you wrong but I'm sick of it. I give up on you guys. Instead of trying to convert us, maybe you could help and support us. I'm not buying a PC anytime soon, my G4 733 that gets 85 fps with everything on mac on EF does just fine thank you. I don't think he asked for a Mac/Pc debate. I persoanlly am sick of the questions about mac turning into Mac/PC bashing threads. Please if you can't add anything constructive then please reconsider your post.



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Elite Force was ported to a Mac Right? I wouldn't worry, they'll get to it one day.




Don't bug ppl with petitions.



Not to sound rude or anything, but how would you like it if Raven told you that JK 2 will be out sooner or later. Whevenever they get around to finishing it, it'll come out sooner or later. People would throw a fit. I think all he's asking for is a decent timeframe that we could play this game in. So maybe we could play with you guys. I don't think that's too much to ask. If you don't like petitions, that's cool. Don't tell him not to do them though, becuase it's really ok.



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My point is that they are likely going to make it. If its a big seller (and with a Q3A engine and Star Wars license we all know it will be) they will definately port it. Heck they ported the Star Trek game, I bet this will sell better.


So sit tight. You know that Mac Ports always come second. You might not like it, but history just shows that. They probably have already started on the port. Nothing indicates that they are looking towards a simulatious release like Q3A was.


Bugging them with a petition when they are likely already doing it just seems like a waste of time.


As far the "how would you like if they told you to wait, it will be out sooner or later" quote. :D hehe, we hear that all the time waiting to games to come out. Just can't escape it.


You will have to wait longer than the PC crowd, but I'm very certain that a Mac port is certain. I would be surprised if it wasn't.



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As Strider said...let's not turn this into a Mac vs PC debate, or simply a Mac-bashing episode. Everyone has their own opinion as to what is the best gaming platform...so kindly try to respect those opinions. :cool: If you love Macs...great. If you hate them...fine. No one is asking PC users to convert to Macs...but consider a scenario where a developer says they are going to make this really fabulous, ground-breaking title for the Mac platform...but not PC. Should all PC users go out and buy Macs...or simply lobby for a decent port?


They are simply asking a perfectly legitimate question about whether the game will be ported to Mac, and if so, approximately when that will be. I hope that it is, and sooner rather than later, so that everyone can enjoy this game.


Good luck to all you Mac users - I hope that email campaign makes a difference. ;)

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No one is asking PC users to convert to Macs...but consider a scenario where a developer says they are going to make this really fabulous, ground-breaking title for the Mac platform...but not PC. Should all PC users go out and buy Macs...or simply lobby for a decent port?



Er, I'm pretty sure that point is rendered useless, due to the obvious fact that it would never happen.


I think people would have accepted that more if you compared it to having a really great X-Box game, like Halo, ported to the PC.

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Originally posted by Eternity

Er, I'm pretty sure that point is rendered useless, due to the obvious fact that it would never happen.


I think people would have accepted that more if you compared it to having a really great X-Box game, like Halo, ported to the PC.


Take pity on me. I'm having a bad life. ;)

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Yes, but with Halo and the PC, haven't people whined and begged for it to come to PC. I've seen more whining about that game coming to PC than anyting more. I vist the Halo forums reguarly and there is at least 1 post a day about it coming to PC.


Second the point he made was fine. You can say that will never happen, but the point still stands. Just becasue somthing MIGHT not ever happen dosen't make it a non-valid point. Somtimes it does, but when your giving a example then it really dosen't matter.



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Yes, but with Halo and the PC, haven't people whined and begged for it to come to PC. I've seen more whining about that game coming to PC than anyting more. I vist the Halo forums reguarly and there is at least 1 post a day about it coming to PC


Er, what? That was kind of my point. It's called an analogy or sommat. I'm gald you got it, but I'm wondering what the hell you are trying to use it against me for. :rolleyes:


Plus, I know his original comparison made sense, but it wasn't likely. Hence, the Halo and PC Port example.




Stormhammer: It's all good. :p

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Earlier, GCrusher23 said:


"Here's an idea, get a PC. Macs are obviously only better than PCs in the video/audio area. If you want to play games, you're going to have to buy a PC. Honestly, I only see an Apple computer as a business/development machine. PCs are more for games in my opinion."


It obviously seems to me that u know nothing about Macs or even PCs. It is Macs that are widely used for graphics and video work. For example, Lucasfilm used Macs to create some clips for AOTC. As for games, the last 2 years have seen a huge turnaround in games for Mac thanks to the new Macs. Just go figure and see the grat games that hae also been rleased for Mac such as Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, etc. Finally, most businness/development people use PCs! No true video/graphics person uses a PC. Plus, XP is horrible and unpopular compared to the MAC OS X. OS X is specifically crreated to handle digital work more easily. And it sells. You don't know what you're talking about. Please use REAL facts next time.

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