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am i the only one who saw some light saber-throwing action in the trailer? that looked way cool. I had previously only saw that in Masters of the Terras Kasi (if anyone remembers that game) and read about Luke Skywalker doing it in books, but this puts a whole new spin on things...

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hehe I'm sure against normal goons , ie stormtroopers, gran, rodians etc. a saber throw will be fatal. I mean think about it... regardless of level of the force power... you're throwing a sword at someone... a spinning blade of energy. hehe it only makes sense that it would be a critical hit. And to prevent cheapness and repetitive throwing it probably costs a little extra mana to use.



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i dont think that making it cost more mana is realistic....


why would they make something that weighs less than a few pounds (the handle cant weight THAT much), and they are just spinning a simple cylinder....big deal.....it wouldnt cost more mana


but, from the speed of the saber from what ive seen, it will not be the uber power as you make it out to be. it moves so slow! you can easily dodge this! yes, it will be deadly to stormies, but i would imagine that the critical element of the power in SP is something that you cant reach by normal means (i would guess a tight spot somewhere high that you have to slice), but the saber throw will be very impractical IMO (after all, it takes a long time for that saber to get back...and in the meantime, you're saberless...

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