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Guest Protoss_Carrier

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Guest Protoss_Carrier

I know, the game hasn't came out yet, but I think they could've added some more stuff to the game.


For example, I think that Rebel and Wookie should get a 5% bonus attack vs. Empire, and vice versa. Same with Gungans/Naboo vs. Trade Fed.


What does the envelope with the black dot mean next to the post name mean?

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Guest Protoss_Carrier

Wait, the civs should be more specific.

Gungans-Grenadier has 100% attack vs. troopers

Wookies-Don't need any

Empire and Trade Fed-The ships should actually be 5% less expensive and quicker building. Thats is how it was in the movies.

Rebels and Naboo-Shields should upgrade ship hps by 3x, rather than 2x.

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Originally posted by krkode

5% usually doesnt seem to make much of a difference

something like 25% or 33% would sound more sensible

and like aoe civs should probably have building advantages for eg since the wookies are big and stronger they should have a 10 % faster building rate or something


Thats true. Also what would be a cool but kinda unfair idea is the Jedi Masters could dodge like stormtroopers and droids blaster rifles with their lightsaber like in the movies and if a Jedi went to Duel an other Jedi, it would last a while because there so good a dodging with their sabers :lsduel::D

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Guest Protoss_Carrier

Capitol ships would work like this. I'll use the empire as an example.


In tech4, the player would be allowed to build capitol ships. They would be able to garrison aircraft in them, like carriers in starcraft. They would be repaired in the capitol ship, and the capitol would supply extra fire. However, they would be weak against AA siege.

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