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Something Odd in the trailer


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Damn Ads on the side. Let me see if I can lower this pic.






There is more below trust me.







This is what I get for making a wide jpeg.



















In the above pic, there are three consecutive frames. A odd piece appears in just one frame and is gone the next. Is this a UFO?

Also why is there a "rocket" flying over head? Is someone shooting at the AT-ST from behind? who?





Also in this pic, Could this be Kyle Driving a AT-ST? Its up high, has a double barreled gun, hmmm. Notice the change in HUD info? Looks like it is the same map where we see the AT-ST at in the other screenshots. Hmm, Rebel with a AT-ST aiming at the entrance to a sub-terrianian Imperial base. Where have I seen that before?


Don't know, but just speculating.



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the more I look at the two pics, the more it looks like it is the same base entrance in the background of each. Just from a different perspective. In the shot with the AT-ST, I can see the same sphere like object, the same red emblem, and even the same rock out cropping as in the shot below.


Its almost like Kyle takes over the AT-ST seen in the above pics, and turns it around to attack the base in the shot below.


Either that, or there is a mounted gun where my UFO is and Kyle is using it. There is some kind of object where the mystery rock shows up and then disappears.



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Guest Apparition

That "rocket" is one of the asteroids we hear so much about.

Apparently, on this level there is an asteroid shower going on. You can see more of it in the first trailer.

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its the TIE Fighter


i cannot post screens but really, move in quicktime with teh arrow keys, frame by frame (or slow mo in any case) and youll see thats the Tie Fighter popping from behind the cliff... i dont know if thats a weird thing from the engine or not, but it is probably something weird in the video codec...

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two things clarified

but Im not sure about the third one


look at that sphere up at the right

comparing it position with the turret shot, It could be a fixed turret that we cant see on the other shots because of that wall and tower at the right


but if you look at the trailer, the red thing at the bottom seems to be an energy bar, because it goes down when Its hit


Why would a gun emplacement have an energy bar, and stand so much hits? (it only loses a bit of energy with the rocket it receives)

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Al though PC Gamer mentioned drivable vehicles, I doubt there will be any actual driving involved in JK2, because Raven people denied very clearly that in chat. What I believe, is that you can be ABOARD moving vehicles, but you can't control them yourself, except their turrets and other machines. If that really is a shot of AT-ST turret, then someone else must be driving it(perhaps Jan, who is pilot, you know?), while you shoot; you can't do both alone in transport like AT-ST.

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This is actually pretty cool. They scripted such things as TIE Fighters to fly overhead or to attack you when you are fighting things. Something that I would imagine would give a definate adrenaline rush, I'm sure, to be attacked by that thing and overhead TIE Fighters at the same time.

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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat

maybe you capture the AT-ST?

that was exactly what I meant

this was discussed in another thread, I dont remember which one

And I said exactly what Lord_FinnSon says, probably Jan is driving it

there will be "drivable" droids, thats for sure, one of the massassi shot is apparently showing that also

maybe there will be other drivable vehicles, but by the time of the chat they werent sure if it was going to be in the game, so they answered no

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this here is my theory the mysterious ufo is probably a dark jedi that is scouting the outside, and then he slips and falls as for the last shot it has to be a turret or kyle took over the atst now for the meteor it's a rocket because in the shot where kyle is in the turret it looks like a rocket.


pretty good observation??

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Yeah, at the time I took the original screenshots, I didn't know that I could use the arrow keys to advance frames. So I was using my mouse on the scroll bar, and that appears to skip several frames. Using the arror key, I definately see the TIE.


Also, I noticed that texture error too. I just didn't mention it. I dont know if they will fix that or leave it as is.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, it's definately an ion cannon, and those things streaking through the sky look like shots from it. I don't know where someone heard that there was a meteor shower because i have seen some screens on LucasArts' site that show the 'meteors' shooting up into the sky. Watch Empire Strikes Back, you'll see that the Rebel Ion Cannon shoots yellow bolts. I dont know what the dark dot is in the middle, though.

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whoa thread revival


welcome Kievan Mereel, I hope you have fun at the forums :)


the things flying look like meteors, but we can't be sure untill we play

You are right about the screenshot tho, and it looks like a different setting if I remember right

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