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An old Legend is back...


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Dear Al,




I am beginning to think that the possibilities of my Megaistic ego remaining aboard your ship are stronger, and strenghten every passing day.




Monkey, our wannabe King,



Everyone - including you - should know that I am the King of the Monkeys. Have always been, and always will :)

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Originally posted by MegaMegaMonkey

I requested for a new pissword


Pissword? :p


Megaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *runs across the room huggling the sweet lil Mega *smooch* how ya been hunny? Did you have a good Chrissy and new year? *jumps up and down all excited*


Mega is baaaaaaaaack yaaaaaaay we missed you sweety

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MegaMonkey's never blush. But I have to reveal to you, dear Natty, that my master - who is currently sitting in front of the Computer Screen - is red as an apple :D





I have been missing you out too :) I had a wonderful christmas and a happy new year, and valentine's day wasn't bad either...

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Awwwwww hope you're not blushing coz of me? :) I'm surprised no one pointed out the 'pissword' stwange


Mega looks cute all red and blushing :) Whatcha been up to sweety? Hows school? Who's the lucky girl you were wit Valentines Day? ;)


*Gives Mega a nice big bunch o bananas*

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hello dude!

It´s a miracle the forums stayed alive when the finnish representants wre gone.....

one from kokkola and one from karperö

The finns are great in the winter OS!

we have got a lot more medals than the swedes

de e lite synd om per elofsson och magdalena forsberg, sverige har alltför stora krav (de svenska reportrarna iallafall) på sina idrottsmän.

But i think it will go pretty good for them in icehockey

(my enlgish hasn´t improved, huh?;))


bye for a while, u can find me at habbo hotel at 89Jack, if u wanna chat, or add me to MSN, (the first time i officaly release my hotmail adress and my name...)tarararaa


everybody who think we´re some kind of friends (and all other people too) and has got MSN, add me!

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