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Will the forces be unbalanced?


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Belgirion, there will be Light and Dark distinction in multiplayer, but you are right, in SP it will be like MoTS.


Digl, I'm really excited about the passive force powers. All I can think of at the moment is Sense. I think that is one of the things Raven is going to leave in as a suprise for us though. As far as I can remember, there hasn't been anything like that in a FPS game. Don't get me wrong, I haven't played every title by a long shot, but I haven't even heard of anything like Force Sense implemented into a FPS game before. It will be cool to see how it works.


The other things I think might be considered passive are deflecting lightsaber bolts back at the attacker (originally it said this would take a concious decision but we haven't heard any more of that in months), wall walking (we know it takes Force, but we don't know it's considered "passive"), and the lightsaber having "a mind of its own" during level 3 saber throw (though that's a long shot :D)

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<font color=cbcbff> I'm sorry, my friends, but if you say the force was perfectly balanced in JK, you don't know your stuff from the light perspective. I'm very good with the light side, I've played with it for 5 years. The dark side is quite overwhelming. Particularly overwhelming is grip and it's uncounterable ability to immobilize you(yes, even with absorb on). You can't just turn on speed and jump out of view. That almost never works, you end up hurting yourself, and due to lag and opponents who know how to turn toward you to avoid losing sight of you, that "strategy" is not very effective. If your opponent has force sight on, it's a very difficult battle to win.(And this is for lightsaberists. Don't assume that we can just "pull a conc and shoot him". I'm talking about lightsaber duels.

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id imagine that FORCE SEEING would be like the infamous WALL HACK in COUNTER-STRIKE. for those of you who don't know what that is, its pretty self expanitory... its a hack that allows cheaters to see their opponents through walls. i saw someone use it at a lan once and the way it looks is you can simply see opponents through walls... id imagine that FORCE SEEING would be made along those lines. theres another wall hack in CS where above each player, teammates included, was a bright colored line coming straight up out of their head, with a big point attached to it, and their name written next to it. i think it also had their distance underneath that, but you could see these line/point/name things all around you so you knew where someone was.


however, i personally hope that it isn't to that extreme, because if it was, SEEING would be nothing more than a JK version of the CS wallhack, and nothing but a dignified way of cheating. hopefully there will be some limitations, like you can only see through walls within a VERY small radius, or maybe the screen flashes very quick images of different places around the map (like a surveillance cam) so you can see where everyone is (like when you first get into a server on CS, only the time between each different location is very fast) i don't know... something cool and not just seeing through walls.

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Originally posted by Obi

<font color=cbcbff> I'm sorry, my friends, but if you say the force was perfectly balanced in JK, you don't know your stuff from the light perspective. </font>

Actually, when I play to win in tourneys, etc. I play as a lighty. I've gone agaisnt very good dark players, some of which were the upper upper crust of bgj ff sabers, and I can assure you, light is much easier to use, especially if you're good at nf sabers.

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I agree. As a newbie at Jedi Knight (which I never really got past, since I got the game only last summer) I found it much easier to play the light side than the dark side. I mean, light side you can heal, vanish, absorb (and stop pull) and blind (with a nice long range compared to the infamous Grip)


I think the advantage of the Dark Side is its demoralizing factor on new or relatively new players. I mean, grip is easy to break with three of the four light powers---persuade drops the grip, blinding does it quite effectively with tiny mana loss, and absorb will just soak up the power into you, while you can pull out a gun and blast your attacker (who can't pull it) But players, I've seen, often just panic while being gripped, and don't even think about countering it. Thus we get a pretty big difference in opinion between hardcore players (who view the game more coldly and rationally, if you will) and casual players.

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Moses, you are right about block, I think that is a confirmed passive power

I dont think the other you mention are passive powers tho


Spaceball, Iv never seen that CS hack, but I imagine It can be something like ASUS cheat drivers, I never tried them but Iv seen shots

Seeing will have limitations Im sure of that. Probably seeing through walls will be only possible in the higher seeing level, and will let you see a very small radius as you say, or maybe just through the wall you are aiming at

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