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Zone Player Alert

Guest dlayers

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Guest dlayers

Just finished 2 games with a zone player that I wanted to make you guys aware of so you don't waste your time.




He had a cheats game and in his room settings he had:

"RBA_ vs those who think they are good enough"


So, I join thinking we'll get a good game in because I assumed (you know what happens when you assume...you make an a$$ out of u & me) he knew what he was doing.


Well we get in and I immediately pump up the resources and start building...


All of a sudden the monument chime sounds and the countdown begins (even though we had a no monument rule) but I deal with it and begin the forward build to take back the monument.


I get there and he's got the thing surrounded with towers/defense etc....


So i drop down a fortress and a heavy weapons factory and pump out the pummels/artillery.....


He Drops :)


We get back to the zone and he starts sending me private messages about donkies, fathers, human orrifices, etc...and I bring the conversation back to civility by not falling prey to his remarks and then he says: "I wanted a no mon game, that's why I quit and you would have taken the monument"


Stunned...i informed him that he was the one that captured and tried to secure it...and talked him into another game with no monument rules.


So we fire it up again.


He builds a ton of xwings and move them towards my base and he passes about 50 tie bombers on the way to his base...by the time he realizes this the bombers have enough lead to make it to his base, he shoots a few and once he clears the bombers away there are about 40 pummels/artillery pounding away at his buildings.


He tells me: "My friend just logged on to MSN, gotta go!" and Drops again :)


As soon as I get back, he's like game on #9...I message him asking where his friend was and get wonderful compliments about my family members and farmanimals and how he wanted a challenge and I wasn't it.


As I was writing this message, he starts hitting me with private messages again talking about how he just destroyed a newbie and again made references to human orrifices and sexual organs.


I ask him for another game...he again says he's looking for a challenge and I'm not it.


So I put him on ignore and came here to warn you guys not to waste your time.

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Guest Darth_Skywalker

Zone wont download fo me...... Is it cuz I have Windows ME or what? I mean i have tried 9348 times but it doesnt work! HELP!

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Guest Lord Tirion

Well, lets just hope our Senate will be organized enough to make such a list of fruity players such as that and have enough impact on the zone that GMs might actually listen to us and for once in their life, look into this and improve the zone by filtering out lowlifes such as this that flame other people.

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Guest RBA_skywalka

who the hell are u RBA_madhornet


U might be an RBA wannabe thinking we are a really big clan and we dont know who is in. big mistake, we are the smallest clan alive, there are only like 12 people in our clan, and between those 12 RBA_madhornet doesent exist so


@$%^ off

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