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20 days? thats for Sydney... so my guess it would be at least a week after that to get to Perth... Thats like a month after America!:swear: :swear:


Theres no way I can wait 2 and a half months for this game.


Hopefully a demo will prevent me from commiting suicide. (yeah lucasarts, how would you like that on your conscience?)

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Well I hope they stick to the dates, then it will be in the UK first :D....its only fair considering we had the first review ;)


the only game we got b4 the UK people was RtCW!!! which was distrubed by Activision and because Activision are gonna distrubute JK2 to the rest of the world then maybe we will get it b4 the UK people.


note: i cant spell and theres no time for spell check (god will forgive me)

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Hey guys.. we might get the game a week or 2 late.. but we get episode 2 1st.. well us kiwis do, then the aussies..since its a international release we get the movie 1st.. ok only a half a day or day ahead. but it's something.. damm i need this game now.. i hope we at least get it sometime in march.. april would be just too far away to bear..

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Well I hope they stick to the dates, then it will be in the UK first :D....its only fair considering we had the first review ;)


just keep on wishin rave i doubt it would since its an american game it will mostlikely be released here first since it being made here

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Australia is a place where big companies stooge us left ,right and center (mainly telstra).


Metal Gear Solid 2 is getting 4 month delay for Australian release. It's been out in the US since about December 2001, Australia gets it March 2002. I don't really think Japanese gaming companies care about Austraila ( YOU HEARD ME CAPCOM YOU *****!!). Most of the NTSC to PAL converted games (eg Devil May Cry) get poorly converted. The screen is not maximsed, it runs 20% slower than the NTSC versions etc etc etc!!


This backdoor screwing is not localised to the gaming industry either. TV shows appear half a year to a year after they debut in the U.S. I'm still waiting for Band Of Brothers to be shown, Enterprise and Smallville (is that any good?).


I don't want to get started on the monopolised telecommunictaions market because that will arouse too much hatred.


[edit-Gonk- tsk tsk tsk... language :)]

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