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Q3 font in JK2? Please no!


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Guest Krayt Tion

While I don't think including the standard Q3 font will be as much of a putoff as buckeye has suggested, I do think that having a special JK2 font would make the game feel a wittle bit more special.


I won't deny that there is indeed a connection in my mind between that font and the original game. It might not be of the utmost importance but I can't see how including it would not be better for the game.


A lot of polish can make an already great game a little better, regardless of the game play, so I don't think he is out of line by questioning the inclusion of something like a different font.

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Originally posted by Uber_Saber

Ummm... I think you're splitting hairs, here. This is not just a skinned Q3 game, Raven has incorporated a lot of technology and time and effort into this game and to suggest that the font will damage gameplay before you even play the game is ludicrous.

Uber_Saber and +Nimbus+, I think you didnt understand bsbuckeye21's post at all

He knows as much as you or even more how much Raven has done to the engine, but he doesnt want to be reminded that the game was made with the quake engine, and I totally agree

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Ughh.... dude... console text shouldnt be pretty, and all we seen was console text. Either way it affects NOTHING, jk1's text wasnt anywhere near "starwarsy" so i cant figure out, why your complaining. On the other hand, i think raven will edit the chat text in jk2.. if they dont, it wouldnt matter one bit.... jeez some people can be too picky :rolleyes:

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The great thing about the Quake 3 engine is that is is very customizable. There are mod's that were made for Quake 3 (such as DBZ:Final Bout) that customized everything, including fonts. So unless Raven programmers decided that the Quake font is good enough (which I doubt), there is a very good chance that we get to see a star wars font.


BTW, I don't think Quake 3 has the GHOUL 2 system within the engine, so, already, this game is more than a Quake 3 mod.

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Posted by Digl:

Uber_Saber and +Nimbus+, I think you didnt understand bsbuckeye21's post at all

He knows as much as you or even more how much Raven has done to the engine, but he doesnt want to be reminded that the game was made with the quake engine, and I totally agree




You know, I don't know about you, but I'm going to be to busy slicing arms off of stormies to pay attention and worry about the console text. If it's the same as Q3, so what? The point is to blow somebody's head off, not fret about the console text! I don't care if they use a Q3 engine, or if they use the same text or not.


But I understand where you're coming from. Even though I disagree. :p

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I agree, It wont affect gameplay at all, but I would prefer another font, and Im pretty sure they will use another, because using the same one would make it look like "just some skinned Q3" as bsbuckeye21 says :p


note: I said "make it look like...", dont start telling me the game is different than Q3, I know that :cool:

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Originally posted by digl

Uber_Saber and +Nimbus+, I think you didnt understand bsbuckeye21's post at all

He knows as much as you or even more how much Raven has done to the engine, but he doesnt want to be reminded that the game was made with the quake engine, and I totally agree


Thanks for making me type less, digl. :)


Some of you guys are really interpreting what I said to the extreme. Krayt Tion summed it up a bit better, and I agree.


I know there were some people here way back putting the game down calling it "just some Q3 mod", but that ceratinly wasn't me. (I've been around here since here wasn't here and the game was called Obi-Wan.;)) I was just trying to prove the point, and let me re-emphisize that "seeing the Q3 font would really take me out of the JK world." It all boils down to me not wanting the game to be "just some Q3 mod", and without that extra polish it would distract a bit.


Q3 font was fine for Q3. Now it's time for some JK, bay-bay! ;)

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Originally posted by Tap[RR]

Ughh.... dude... console text shouldnt be pretty...


What should it be? Ugly and amaturish? Do you buy and surround yourself with ugly things?


Either way it affects NOTHING, jk1's text wasnt anywhere near "starwarsy" so i cant figure out, why your complaining.


I don't mean that (IMHO) dumb "Star Wars" title font that reaked of 70's. (Well, of course it was made around then. ;)) I mean the one in JK or something other than the Q3, because after all, it isn't Q3, and it is a game in the JK legacy.


On the other hand, i think raven will edit the chat text in jk2.. if they dont, it wouldnt matter one bit.... jeez some people can be too picky :rolleyes:


What do you think I'd really do? Not buy the game just because of a font?! In most aspects of life, you have to go the extra mile. (or kilometer ;)). I do think like you that they will get around to change it, but yes, it does matter. It would be part of the extra mile in that: show more professionalism, keep you more immersed, and having that all-around sense that this is a quality piece of work. (Just the same way some people are picky about a good full color game manul.)


Any more jump-throaters here? ;)

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Originally posted by Locke101

I mean, if it is q3 font, it might just be there temporary untill they have the final build.


That's what I'm hoping for, and that's why I'm bringing it up - the game isn't gold yet. Raven reads the boards. We just saw (we're pretty sure anyway) that the Q3 font was in the very recent PCG UK video. Q3 font = bad because of the many reasons listed above.

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