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Is this game design for slow play? Getting to Tech 4 takes a long time. Do people wait that long to attack? I played my first online game the other day and 45 mins. passed before I actually encountered an enemy. 2 minutes into the battle and the host which was the enemy who attacked me timed out. Then that led to his allies dropping the game which led to all of us dropping the game. All that building for nothing. Are these online games going to be like this? Any comments will help.

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Well I don't have this game yet but from my experiance with AOE2 id have to say many of your games will take a long time. To shorten the games length you can always start at tech level 4 with high resources and a fast game speed. It also would help to learn some fast build orders and to attack in tech 3. A good strat is to build a small base right beside your enemies base out of sight. You can produce units from this base and send them straight into battle. It's not easy atacking before tech 3 but you can do hit-and-runs to take out workers.

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