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Server System..

A Big Fat CoW

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yo, heres something thats been buggin me for awhile..


what will the server system be like? i mean like joining games, game info, etc. IMHO, i hope (though this is doubtfull..) that it will be somewhat like the zone, or Battle.net atleast, or something to that extent. IMHO, the server system in EF sucked, and the same (or something similar) is in CS and RtCW, and i swear i despise it. you pretty much have no idea what your joining, no one EVER says anything, and you cant tell if a game is using an addon map or mod or anything because theres no description that you can add besides the name. i, personally, love playing RPG's in JK1 (dont flame me yet: i also gun and saber (with mods usually) alot), but with this system it would be more or less impossible. i just all around dont like it and its user un-friendlyness.. the zone, i know, many people hate it, but i mean like more game rooms (about lik 150 per room maybe?), more people allowed in each game, and similar things like that. its really hard to co-ordinate games with people, also, because theres so many freakin servers that you can chose and you have no idea which ones your friend is seeing.. either that, or i just havnt figured them out yet...


is anyone else with me on this?

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Yeah I totally know what you mean, I can't stand the server/joining style of Q3, CS etc... I much prefer *cough*zone*cough... even with it's bad parts, it's still the best way to have games.


And I also agree, JK2 Hosting/Joining will be similar or the same to Q3 :( yeah suxbad doesn't it. Oh well.... Maybe not...


Hey wouldn't that be a GOOD QUESTION to ask on the upcomming JK2 Chat??? :D


Yay!!.... wait.. must think about how to compile the questions better than you did... (even though I understood it, since I have the same fears. But I doubt others will)


Cheers ;)

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Originally posted by AB_Legion

Yeah I totally know what you mean, I can't stand the server/joining style of Q3, CS etc... I much prefer *cough*zone*cough... even with it's bad parts, it's still the best way to have games.


And I also agree, JK2 Hosting/Joining will be similar or the same to Q3 :( yeah suxbad doesn't it. Oh well.... Maybe not...


Hey wouldn't that be a GOOD QUESTION to ask on the upcomming JK2 Chat??? :D


Yay!!.... wait.. must think about how to compile the questions better than you did... (even though I understood it, since I have the same fears. But I doubt others will)


Cheers ;)


Fear not. They will probably have a deal with Gamespy *coughRenegade* :)

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New computer games players, like yourself A big Fat cow, may find the in game server browser of CS and similar games daunting.


I personally think that is the best and most efficient way of joining games. You can see how many people are playing, what map they are playing, filter out non-dedicated servers, servers that have no players, see if the server is W2k, or Linux, see what map is being played etc etc etc!!


Battle.net and The zone on the other hand is a laggy affair that annoys the hell outta me. Especially The Zone, with all that extra crap you have to install, Zone Friends and so fourth having to join through an internet web page is extra crappy. It should all be done from within the game.


That's just my opinion. We know for a fact that in game server browsing like CS/Q3/RTCW is going to be in the full game, so i'm not too worried


From the FAQ, at lucasarts.com

4.01 What kind of multiplayer server options will Jedi Outcast have?


Jedi Outcast players will be able to use the standard Quake III-type in-game browser to find games online, start their own servers for online play, and create private servers to play with friends/clans, etc. We are still in the development process and are investigating all server options. It's quite possible that additional gaming services, including the Zone, will be supported.


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I'm right there with you, Darth Lunatic. The in-game browsers of CS/RtCW type games is the fastest and most efficient way of joining a multiplayer game. I'm very glad they decided to do it that way. There is always the possibility that they'll have Zone support aswell, for those who like to join games that way.

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I guess the question that leads to all answers is "Does the Zone support Q3A games". If it does, then it will also support JKII. With that, all of you are inclined to use the Zone will have that option.


I on the other hand much prefer to use the In-Game browsers which allow support sorting by ping and filtering by game type preferences. This will especially become useful when mods are released.



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The Zone is garbage.


Like Silent Wolf said, the best way is to go through IRC. A number of people use IRC, and they either use Gamespy or a script like Cowboy++'s SuperIP to join games. Using one of these two programs, you get the best of both worlds. You can talk with your teammates/friends on IRC, while browsing for a game over Gamespy. You then join Gamespy, which launches your game.


As I understand it, Gamespy plans on supporting JK2. A large number of JK2 clans use IRC on enterthegame. I'd imagine we'll all be using Gamespy and mIRC.

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lemme try to explain better what i was saying..


i was thinking more of an in-game zone, like the interface battlenet has with signing on your name and a similar chat system with channels and such. but for joining, have it be similar to the zone but with more info, as in the number of players in a game, the time/point limit, other rules, the map, etc etc, but still have the same lobby-system and such, simply because its easy to use. im aware that this wont happen because its already been answered, but i beleive something like this would be a superior system. pretty much ditch all the bad things about the zone and combine it with the good things of the other systems, and thats about the idea i had....


my main fear is that when JK2 comes out, i'll lose touch with the entire group (about 7 or 8) of friends that i play with on a regular basis, because theres no way to tell that they're online, and few of them will log back on the zone after the game comes out (plus i dont know they're e-mail adress's..)



another fear is that the entire JK roleplaying community will die out, due to the way that the servers are set up and the lack of an easy way to communicate.


i understand many of you just want to join a game and kill stuff as fast as possible... but whatever..


also few people actually chat in games like those outside of the pre-defined radio messages and such. it just feels like im playing with a bunch of intelligent bots.


either im just ignorant, or i just havnt had good luck with that system yet, but either way i sincerly hope the zone will support JK2...

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seeing how JO is build off the q3 base, it supports command-line execution, eg. anything that can spawn a new program can be used (irc clients, active-x controls on websites etc. spring to mind)


also, as the sdk will hopefully be released, so there's nothing stopping people from coding a full lobby system a'la the zone

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uhmmm youve obviously never used anything besides the zone.


gamespy3d, kali, the all seeing eye(the best one currently) hell even gayspy arcade ALL list everything youve talked about.


learn to use something that isnt the zone. the zone is horrible its the main reason i dont play age of kings(even though its a great game).

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Here is what i want for the in game joining system:


In tribes 2 they had that thing where clans are part of the game. You can make your own clan, and then you choose the tag that your clan has. For someone to join your clan, you have to invite them (or someone else you you give a high rank.) I want that system in tribes 2, and then I want them to steal some features from Diablo 2 -


-The Friends list

-The Chatrooms


What I liked about the friends list was that you could add people to it, and if they added you as well, they were a "mutual" friend. As a mutual friend you could see what game they were in, and if they joined a new game, it would notify you whether you were in game or in a chatroom.


About the chatrooms-

In diablo 2 battle net, i liked how in the chatrooms you could see the avatars at the bottom. By looking at someones avatar, you could usually tell how powerfull they were (what they are wearing and what level they are) and what they were using to some extent. Since this is not applicable in JO, I think they should show what character you are using(Luke Skywalver, Kyle Katarn, whoever) and what color your lightsaber is!


tell me what you think.

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