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A Sad Poem I read

Devil Doll

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I´m supossed to be working, but i was remembering a sad poem that i read like 3 years ago and i will try to write it to show it to you ( i hope my transtlation is good, any mistake was made by my dictionary :D)



I received Flowers today!

Today isn´t my birthday or any special day;

My housband and I had our first disscusion las night;

and he said a lot of cruel things

that words really offend me

But I know he is regreted

and he doesn´t say it seriously

Because he gave me flowers today.


I received Flowers Today!

Today is not our aniversary

or any special day

Yesterday at night he threw me to the floor

and he started to hang me

It was like a nightmare, but in the nightmares

you wake up and you know it is not real;

I woke up with a lot of pain

and hits in all my body

But I know he is regreted

Because he gave me flowers today.


I received Flowers Today!

Today is not Valentine´s Day

or any special day;

Last night he punched and menace me;

Nor the make up or the large clothes

can hide my cuts and the hits he made me

I can´t go to work today

I don´t want to show my hurts

But i know he is regreted

Because he gaveme flowers today.


I received Flowers Today!

Today isn´t mother´s day

or any special day

Last night he hurt me again

but this time, was worst.

If i can leave him alone, What can I do?

How can I live alone and feed the children?

I´m scared, but I depend of him a lot

that I´m afraid to leave him alone.

But i know he is regreted

Because He gave me flowers today.


I received FlowersToday!

Today is a very special day;

Today is my funeral.

Last night he finally killed me.

He punched me to die,

If I had the strong enough to stop him

And the courage to leave him alone;

If I had accepted profesional help.

I shouldn´t received flowers today!</center></b>

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actually, i would call "chills" i would call fear, because:


you (EAP in this case) are the woman, you love your housband, he gave you flowers, but you know that you dont deserve or have any special date, so...


imagine now this:


You are dead, inside your coffin, all your parents, friends are watching you, your eyes closed, however, you can see that you have the flowers in our hand that your housband gave to you...



thats the reason i love the poetry, i enjoy reading it in some points of view

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Originally posted by Dark Sad Shadow

actually, i would call "chills" i would call fear, because:


you (EAP in this case) are the woman, you love your housband, he gave you flowers, but you know that you dont deserve or have any special date, so...


No, it's not *fear* because I am not afraid of any man doing that to me. It gave me chills because it happens to so many people. But *I* would never let that happen to me. I'd shoot the SOB and chop off his goods and shove them down his throat. I don't take crap from people like that. I never have, and I never will. I used to have a bf who hit me and I hit him right back.

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