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Disable the Enemy...


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Hello I know I havent posted here allot but I read allot of your posts.


Anyways I was wondering if you can disable an enemy like cut off his hand or arm, without killing him that would be more jediish in some ways. If not oh well this game will rock!!!




"There is no escape... Dont make me destroy you" - Darth Vader



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Guest Lord Chief

Jk2 uses the GHOUL2 detection system and as such its possible to cut of hands, arms etc


Due to this game being Starwars related of course there wont be blood and gore but the cutting of of limbs etc has been confirmed.


Question is indeed then whether enemies will die when you cut of their hand or that they will just drop their weapon and run away or call for backup.


Luke lost his hand and just managed to escape Darth's clutches so it would be a bot awkward to see a Stormtrooper die as soon as he lost his hand.

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Hey...welcome to the forums, everybody! I don't think I've welcomed any of you bunch, yet... :D




*hands each a chocolate Jedi Medallion*


Enjoy your stay...


Yeah...cutting off hands etc., will be in there. Personally I don't think it should lead to a kill...in fact, I wouldn't mind seeing those victims crop up later in the SP campaign with a grudge and a brand new limb attachment to deal out some pain... :)

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Al though this would keep up with Jedi filosophy to stop fights quickly(because they try to avoid them whenever possible) and possibly even without killing your opponent, I don't really see any real reason to have that in JK2. You see, generally you don't wanna let your enemies survive in SP campaign(except if that's one objective of your mission), because they can alarm backups, and not in MP, because they will come back to revenge.

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Where would they run to? Just around the level? Then imagine what would be going on if u cut off the arms of 20 troopers! This is kinda off-topic, but: I know that you can 'turn' enemies to your side with your mind trick, could the enimies also surrender, as in, drop their weapons and be nuetral to you?

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I always tried to 'disable' enemies in JK, although the only way to do this was to pull their weapons away. However I quickly found out that they got in the way even when you did this, so I ended up just blastin em all anyway. It would be a cool feature to have though, it would add more depth to the gaming experience.

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"ROFL stormhammer, the gonk with a grude is back!!!!!!! hehe.


on a more serious note,

you all know that if you cut some guys arm off your just gonna throw your lightsaber into his back as he runs."


when I cut some guys arm off, I'm gonna river dance around him for a while before I start the pistol whiping him. To throw a saber at him while he runs away just wouldn't be right.

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Originally posted by ESE_SithEmperor

Well maybe you can kill the Dark Jedi unborners or disable them by keeping them alive but no arm or leg that would be cool.


They are the Reborn, but anyway, I think the Stun Baton will be used to Disable enemies, not hacking their limbs off with the saber, although, thats a cool idea.

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In JKII it would be very cool if you could destroy your Enemies saber hilts or better known as (Handles).


It would be cool if you could make your enemy drop their sabers and pick them up using it or destroying it.


Also not to get to heavy into this More Hand to hand combat would be nice. Kicking someone off the cliff kicking their sabers out of their hands etc etc etc....


"Luke, I not sure if I am your Father let me check up on that." - Darth Vadder


"Ok" - Lukke


"Well DNA test shows neative oh well I guess I can kill you after all good bye" - Darth Vadder


"Oh Wait NOOOOOO!!"


*Vader swings his saber cutting of lukes head*

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