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What's your estimated delivery date for your JKII Pre-order?


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I'm predicting a 'gone gold' at about.....March 22th. Then they would, of course, have to throw the thing onto a production line and burn a couple million copies. Packaging, ads, etc. etc. would be dispatched, or dispatched already. When all is said and done, and it's shipped:


I would say, about April 4th would be the day it gets in stores.


Shame, March 12th is my birthday. :rolleyes:


I'm just gonna have to sacrifice my sister's stuffed animals some more to please the Raven Gods.


Maybe I'll get a demo.


EDIT: Oops, sometimes my speed typing gets me in trouble. Spelling/grammical errors.

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Looking at the recently released Racer Revenge, I don't think it was more than a week from the Gold status to being on the shelves. But anyways, my pre-order date is the day it comes out when I make the drive to Best Buy and pick it up. So much better because I don't sit on my couch waiting for the UPS guy to come. I hate doing that. It's the most annoying thing in the world.

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I preordered from LEC themselves...so...when do you think i'd get my copy? I remember pre-ordering some other game from them (actually, i think it was JK) and they promised it would show up the day it came out, and it ALMOST didn't make it. It came at like 6pm that night :) I wonder if they'll ship it to me the same time they ship it to stores?

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you know whats funny?



I was going to order from LEC but I looked at their shipping selections (Regular and Overnite) Regular was 3-5 days for free and Overnite was $20 something dollars. I said screw that stupid pen and I went to EB games and got the Collectors Edition for $54 with $3 dollars for Overnite shipping.



I just hope I get my copy before you guys do :D

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