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Do aliens exist?

Guest crazy_dog

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Guest crazy_dog

You've seen them in Star Wars, but do they really exist?




My facts to show aliens exist:

1) Some alien encounters/abductions are backed by evidence, sometimes even by scientific evidence.

2) The SETI proggrame has only searched a small fraction of the galaxy.

3) In 1976 SETI recieveid a signal that has been unidentified ever since.

4) Liquid water almost certainly existed on Mars, meaning life too may have existed.

5) Out of the 100 billion stars in our galaxy, is the Sun the only star that has a planet with life.

6)Jupiters moon Europa may have an ocean of liquid water under it's surface. Maybe alien fish live there.


Post your views here.










And remember my friends, the truth is out there :D !

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Those are not facts ...


1. Those alien encounters could be made up up by lunatics

2. If SETI had searched a larger part of the galaxy it doesn't have to mean the defenitly is life somewhere else where it hasn't searched yet.

3. I just had a call ... had no clue who it was ... so it could be an alien.

4. There doesn't have to be life for water to exist. The fact that Pluto has ice doesn't have to mean they have Wampa's

5. Well ... maybe the sun is ... We don't know that.

6. Again a maybe ...


I think it is as safe to say that there are no aliens as it is to safe to say there are ... cause both can't be proved.


You just believe what you want ... I don't want to believe there are aliens so they don't exist :thrawn:

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Actually I do think there is aliens. I'm not sure if they have "visited" earth but when you think about it, there is an uncountable amount of stars out there. Some of them I'm sure has planets out there that are like ours, and can support life.

Leon and YD? You really don't believe in ET's? I guess it's a Netherlands thing ;)

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Of course there are liitle green men! Our universe would be way to boring without them! Also you know the theory about alternate universes? Well any way it basically says there are infinite alternate universes, and if thats true, than it means everything thats ever been thought of has to really exist in an alternate universe, so in some alternate universe Star Wars (and aliens) really exist! That is if the theory is correct.


Actually I heard this from a friend of mine (yeah I have a few) and he put it much more diplomatically, but I can't remember exactly what he said! So, I if you think this it totally ludacrist then don't blame me! :D

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Guest Tie Guy

The way i look at it is:


1: Why would God bother to create the entire universe if he only put one inhabittable world in it? To impress us?


2: I don't believe that aliens were metioned in the bible because if there are any, they don't matter to us coz we will never see or know them.


3: Who cares if there are aliens, we've been watching way to many movies. The idea of aliens was probably invented by some entertaiment guy, and that is why so many people believe it.


4: The fact that so many people think that aliens exist because they saw movies shows that many of the things that are "found" are found because people WANT to find aliens.

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Originally posted by thrawn12786

... Well any way it basically says there are infinite alternate universes, and if thats true, than it means everything thats ever been thought of has to really exist in an alternate universe, so in some alternate universe Star Wars (and aliens) really exist! That is if the theory is correct ...


That is the most wacko theory I've ever heard ...

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

The way i look at it is:


1: Why would God bother to create the entire universe if he only put one inhabittable world in it? To impress us?


2: I don't believe that aliens were metioned in the bible because if there are any, they don't matter to us coz we will never see or know them.


3: Who cares if there are aliens, we've been watching way to many movies. The idea of aliens was probably invented by some entertaiment guy, and that is why so many people believe it.


4: The fact that so many people think that aliens exist because they saw movies shows that many of the things that are "found" are found because people WANT to find aliens.

Why does everyone put God into it!? To some God doesn't exist! So all your arguements that deal with God are thrown right out!

What Scientific proof do you have that ET's do are do not exist?

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Guest Tie Guy

Well, i gave you two practical reasons, although i believe that God has the answer to every mystery, and scientific or practical answers are not always needed.

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

The way i see it we know aliens are real!!!


If you say that god is real and he created all things, then he can't be human, (like us) so he must be an alien.... :D

Wraith, I like your logic ;)

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well, i believe in God but i've learned that religion and science DO NOT go hand in hand. there have been many arguments in the history of science due to religious belief (such as the theory of evolution and why Darwin's idea wasn't accepted for quite sometime).


i don't know about any alternate universe theory or what not, but the basis for all life is water. if a planet can sustain water, then there's a sure bet that life is on it.

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just b/c water is on a planet doesn't guarantee that life is on it. i don't think i mentioned that in my statement. and no carbon is not the basis of life. we ARE 75 percent water, and as far as i know, life wouldn't exist without it. we use carbon from organic substances, it combines with oxygen to form the gas we expire, but it is not the basis of all life.

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon

well, i believe in God but i've learned that religion and science DO NOT go hand in hand. ...


I don't think that is entirely true. Darwing was a believing man. He didn't rebel against God, but against the church. Darwin just wanted to explain what his bible did not tell him.


Science doesn't want to believe that the earth was made in 7 days ... and with that they also scrap the whole idea of creation.


Christians on the other hand don't want to hear any alternatives to Genesis ... so they don't bother about science.


It's not that they can't go hand-in-hand ... they just don't want to.

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Guest Sherack Nhar
Originally posted by Kvan

Why does everyone put God into it!? To some God doesn't exist!

*raises hand*


I'm sure there are other living beings outside our beloved planet Earth. People seem to associate E.Ts with little green bipedals. But it could be something else entirely. A bacteria, some unicellular being, maybe a flower... These are living things too, and I can hardly believe that there isn't a single planet in the universe apart from ours that could host at least one of these beings...

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

*raises hand*


I'm sure there are other living beings outside our beloved planet Earth. People seem to associate E.Ts with little green bipedals. But it could be something else entirely. A bacteria, some unicellular being, maybe a flower... These are living things too, and I can hardly believe that there isn't a single planet in the universe apart from ours that could host at least one of these beings...



I agree totally. The aliens don't have to be civilized or bipedial it could be just some herds of Lupin (Dog for those of you who are slow) like animals or bactiera or plants.


And please don't get God into this, it just seems an idiots way out of a debate.


I'm Angostic by the way in case you wanted to call me an athiest

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Guest Ewok14

I Reckon that Aliens are real because sienticsts reckon were alien to this planet wich leads to the question where did WE Come From???????????????.Or Is there life on the planet where we came from????????



Any Way God doesn't Exist!!:ben::emperor:

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Originally posted by Ewok14

Any Way God doesn't Exist!!:ben::emperor:


As far as I know, the believes of millions of people aren't based on the fact that aliens exist or not ...


However, (gee, sounding like Tuvok). At least two worldwide religions and the believes of millions of people are based on what you simply deny in that one simple phrase ... those people are also on these boards.


So if you want to say that you don't believe God exist, than that's okay ... youre loss I'd say. But don't go throwing it around like a fact, cause that is insulting.

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Originally posted by Young David


As far as I know, the believes of millions of people aren't based on the fact that aliens exist or not ...


However, (gee, sounding like Tuvok). At least two worldwide religions and the believes of millions of people are based on what you simply deny in that one simple phrase ... those people are also on these boards.


So if you want to say that you don't believe God exist, than that's okay ... youre loss I'd say. But don't go throwing it around like a fact, cause that is insulting.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with YD on this one. It's one thing to theoreticly say God exists or not, but when you say He doesn't! Like the way you did, and don't back up your theories your looking kind of childish...like me! :D

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well, Clefo, your being agnostic doesn't necessarily mean we 'can't be allowed to put God into it'..

I reckon God is as real to me as some people here are so certain of alien life. Have they seen alien life ? No way. Do they think it's plausible to say that it exist because of the vastness of the universe ? Yep. they do. With that very same logic i say there should be a Creator just by looking at this planet, it's nature, our minds, 'soul' if you will, and the whole complex way it's structured.

Do i find it plausible to say that it didn't come from two atoms colliding ? Yep. i do.

Have i ever seen God ? No, i haven't. But i have seen lives changed because of Him.


My two cents.. :D


btw here's hoping we don't slam each other for each other's beliefs here.. let's keep those high moral standards ! Yipee ! :cool:

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