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Do aliens exist?

Guest crazy_dog

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Guest xwing guy

the organic soup theory that this scienctist came up with is... well... I'll be blunt, is a bunch of mess! Or in the SW universe is a bunch of bantha fodder. I believe in God and now I will state my reasons if God didn't make us then what did? B/c something can't come out of nothing no matter what. Now let my give you an example that is somewhat similar to the this evolution mess. If I where to take a wrist watch take it apart every little piece and everything and put all those pieces in a bag and shake it up and for however many billion or trillon years these scienctist say it took for us and everything else to evole and then took that watch out of the bag would it be togather? No it takes someone to put something togather in order to make something. And He did it all in the span of 7 days.

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I've had a lot of different opinions on this fo a while now, sometimes a think how likely is it that we're the only planet with life, but other times I think how likely is it, humans have never made any confirmed contact, but then I think, maybe they don't have the time to bother with primitives like us, as you can see, I argue with myself quite often.

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