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How long will JK2 be in length???


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How long do you estimate the game will be if played to the hilt, leaving no stone un-turned, for a decent gamer. Morrowind is boasting 100 hours, and if played the side quests could make the game 500 hours.


To me if the game is top quality and stays fresh as I believe JK2 will be, I would love JK2 to last tons of hours as well.


anyone have an idea? Thanks..............:)

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Dude, your comparing JK2 to a complete different type of game.



No, the single player in Jk2 wont last 100 hours, thats for sure.


We know that there are 8 MISSIONS, made up of 24 levels.

From what Kenn said, 24 doesnt seem like a lot but the levels are big. So im guessing for the average player there is about 15-20 hours gameplay. That's my guess.


The good news is that there Multiplayer, which add a lot of hours of good star wars fun to play online.


I think Raven knows what fans want and even tho the development time is scary short, i fully expect the game to meet expectations.

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Yeah, Rave's right about that review. ;)


Personally, I hope it's a lot longer on the Medium/Hard settings. I completed Elite Force in under 10 hours on Medium, and while it was a great game, I thought that was a bit short. Jedi Knight took me a lot longer than that, I seem to recall, and it only had 21 levels (6 of which were smaller Dark Jedi duel levels). If Raven have made most of those 24 levels of a comparable size to JK's, and included enough secrets etc., to hunt down, then I think it will be a decent length. I would hope for 25+ hours, but I'll be taking my time to explore every level anyway. I just hope there is an end of level tally showing the number of secret areas etc...like RTCW's SP campaign. It's an incentive to go back and explore some more.


I only mention this because I'm playing the original Unreal at the moment...and there is no indication of how many secrets there are. I've already uncovered quite a few I missed before...partially by complete fluke. If JKII was the same length as Unreal...I would surely be a happy man. I never finished Unreal the first time around...and I've now realised I barely got halfway through.

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I'm not too worried about the length...at least as long as there is some replay value to SP and MP is fun. Actually, I don't care for long games either....I'm playing Golden Sun on the GBA and I've been playing about 40+ hours and am still not done....I was ready for it to be done about 10-15 hours ago...heh.

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I dunno about the secrets and side quests..I'm guessing there won't be any. Rescuing the prisoners is all part of the plot, it's not something you can miss.


How long do you estimate the game will be if played to the hilt, leaving no stone un-turned, for a decent gamer. Morrowind is boasting 100 hours, and if played the side quests could make the game 500 hours.


That game is going to be scarily huge. I mean, it's going to be nasty. I don't think the critics know how big it really is...when the reviews start coming in, and if the reviewers take enough time to explore the game, it's gonna get some good scores. I'm predicting a surprise hit by word of mouth.


I even have an oldbie register date there. :rolleyes:


So why am I here instead? These people are actually intelligent, and quite truthfully, I like this game better...

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