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Canada Wins The Gold!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by Admiral

Curling is a great game, and I like to watch it. It is very interesting how they do it.


Best. Sport. Ever.


You don't have to be in shape to play, and out of all the events, it's the one that takes the most pure skill.


I've been curling since I was 12, and it's still one of the most fun things I do.

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

After consulting hockey fans, I have concluded that the most important hockey game of all time was the 1980 Lake Placid medal game between the US and the Soviet Union. (Apparently) the fate of the universe hung in the balance.



It was 1972 hockey Summit Series between Canada (considered to be hockey gods at that time and those who played against them were garanteed to lose) and the Soviet Union.


It was eight games of the most memorable hockey ever played. It was the first time the Soviets would play against someone outside Europe.


At that time USSR wasn't known for hockey and they weren't taken seriously... Coaches and players thoughts things such as: "yeah they can shoot a bit but aren't too good at it and they can barely do good passes" or that, Canada, had fourteen of the top twenty-five scorers in the NHL, and the best goalie in the world, Ken Dryden. and ho did the Soviets have? A bunch of so-called "hockey players" with last names too hard to pronounce., that it would be a game between the professional Canadian players and the Soviet Union's "amateur" players


Bottom line is everybody thought they sucked. That was until the first game occured: Team Canada 3, Team Soviet 7.

They ended up being good, REALLY good.


Anyways it ended with, of course, Canada winning those series and a new rival team being born.


More details on those series here


But I didn't exist when those games accured so, for me, the most important hockey game ever was The Canada / US Salt Lake Olympic final.

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uh, the USA vs USSR game is supposed to be one of the greatest moments in all of sports history because it symbolized stuff and it MEANT something. It wasn't just some game that no one ever heard of. It was the embodiment of the Cold War and so forth. From what I've been told it had nothing to do with the player's skill or the entertainment value. It was all on 'what it meant.'

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There was also a bit of that cold war story when Canada played against USSR...

Well it is natural for an American to say that a best sports game was one where they played in then it is for a Canadian to say that a best sports game was one where they played in...

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The Soviet Union could have cared less about Canada. Sorry, you lose. They DID care about the country with 12000 nuclear weapons they would be on the receiving end of.

And, no, it's not just Americans. It's Americans and Canadians and NHL players from the US, Canada, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and all those fragment states that are calling that game the greatest.

Also are you familar with the "Central Red Army Hockey Team?" The Soviets would send Central Red Army over on a goodwill tour and play various NHL teams in the US (I think a handful in Canada too). Some years the Soviets would thump the NHL and come out with a 12-1 record and sometimes the NHL would win more games. My dad went to one of the times they played the Penguins (shortly after Lemieux started playing) and the Penguins beat Central Red Army and there was almost a riot because such a thing was unheard of. Apparently there was a joke that the score shoudl have been kept as "Players staying with the Russians" and "Players defecting to the US." Due to the fact that the Soviets hated my country and we engaged them in hockey and would sometimes win, your thing is less amazing than an olympic medal game.

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Yes I am aware of the Red Army Team and all that. It was the UCKA or something similar, I'm not sure...


Coincidence made that they just happened to show a documentary today on the 1972 game in a french "Discovery Channel" type channel... That I had already seen last month...

(But of course I already knew all of it way before I saw this...)


Anyways to me the 1972 games was one of the most important because it was the discovery of the Red Army Team: Russian Hockey (or Soviet hockey at the time...), and a shock for all on their capabilities...


I never saw the game, I don't think I'll ever want to, I never really did care about it since it isn't part of my life.

From what I've lived the Salt like final was the most important.

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