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Space Platforms

General Nilaar

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Guest Tie Guy

I think that there already is a bespin level in SP, which means it probably can be used in MP.


Anyway, i'd love to see all fighter battles, that would make for an interesting tournament.

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i was looking at a screen shot and saw what would have been a random map. it had a platform and land + water. there also seemed to be space seperating them too. i tought this was really stupid. :mob:

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Guest dvader07

first off, God (this sounds very sacreligious), where did you see that screen shot?


secondly, Admiral Thrawn, what did you mean by saying


I see it as a chance to play the civs against each other even though they are hundreds of years apart.


if you are referring to the time gap between episode one and the original trilogy, I believe that it is only a difference of maybe 70 years. I don't think it is more than that.

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Guest Admiral Thrawn
Originally posted by dvader07

first off, (this sounds very sacreligious), where did you see that screen shot?


secondly, Admiral Thrawn, what did you mean by saying




if you are referring to the time gap between episode one and the original trilogy, I believe that it is only a difference of maybe 70 years. I don't think it is more than that.



So sue me!

I'm no genius when it comes to Star Wars, All I know about is the Empire, Thrawn, and the Noghri.

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That map was just to show as much of the game as possible in a single map, I don't think there's actually any maps like that in the game;)


It's just one of those weird promotional things you see before the game comes out.


As for the time span between trilogies, I think it's more like 30-40 years.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by General Nilaar

That map was just to show as much of the game as possible in a single map, I don't think there's actually any maps like that in the game;)


It's just one of those weird promotional things you see before the game comes out.


As for the time span between trilogies, I think it's more like 30-40 years.


Yes, the Empire lasted for 20 years, and i doubt Eps I-III will take 50 years.


Anyway, i think that the map will be in the game, why not? I don't really like it, and probably won't play it at all, but i don't see why they shouldn't have it?

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Guest Master Yoda

I agree with General Nilaar in that the time span is 30-40 years, Obi Wan was in his early 20s in Ep1 and in his 60s in Ep4(A New Hope). As for the space argument:D I think they need to have both a Bespin maps and space maps,I think its magnetic shielding that they use in docking bays which they probably could also use on space platforms.....

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Master Yoda

I agree with General Nilaar in that the time span is 30-40 years, Obi Wan was in his early 20s in Ep1 and in his 60s in Ep4(A New Hope). As for the space argument:D I think they need to have both a Bespin maps and space maps,I think its magnetic shielding that they use in docking bays which they probably could also use on space platforms.....



Well, be happy then, coz i believe that Bespin and space is in SP if not MP. I think they are both confirmed, and we know that the space platform is at least. Maybe, if Gaber comes, we can ask him.

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The map I was talking about is the one with the many different terrains on one map, including space terrain mixed in with the land terrain.


Whether or not the space platforms should be in the game, that particular "mixed" map shouldn't because it doesn't make any sense, in ANY setting.

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Guest Master Yoda

I think they were just showing what the different terrains will look like in the mini map. It looks like there is Tatooine(sp?),Hoth,Naboo,and space on there.

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Guest Tie Guy

It's a game, why shouldn't they be able to have any map they want. Sure it looks wierd to have troops in space, but it is just a game, they can do what they want.

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That doesn't mean we can't comment on it though;)


It's just such a rip off of StarCraft and at the same time doesn't mesh with what we know of the Star Wars universe. I didn't realize that the space maps in StarCraft were so popular that they would even be worth ripping off.


It won't stop me buying the game, but I thought it deserved comment.

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well i'm not convinced it's a rip-off. think of what else they could have done; very little.

you can't 'wall' all ends in to give the impression of a shut down world. Maybe something of an atmosphere transition in the space-graphics could be done, but that's about it. And still people would call it a rip-off since you have platforms on a 2d game. Which is almost inevitable.

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Guest Master Yoda

Imperial units cant live in space. Only Space Troopers can, in the game there will be some sort of magnetic sheilding keeping space ojut.

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Guest Master Yoda

I wont say which one i like better since I havent played GBG at all and I dont know what playing with space platforms will be like.

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