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We will never forget....


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As all of you know, on September 11th, the United States Of America was attacked by our most feared enemy, Terrorists.


I know to some of you this is a "spam" thread but frankily I don't care. I'd like to say somthing to everyone that I think needs to be said.


When I woke up on September 11th it was like any other noramal school day. My mother awoke me because I forgot to set my alarm saying that an airplane has hit one of the Twin Towers. I thought to myself ," It was probably a small 2 passenger aircraft that was meerily flying to low and lost control of the aircraft." Because after all, the Twin Towers are pretty tall 110 stories to be exact. I also thought that there were probably noone injured except that the pilot had be killed at the most.


When I arrived at school, I saw other students talking with no expressions on their face what so ever and others like it was a normal day. When I sat down in first period (technology) classroom our prinicaple had made an annoucement about what had happened including a 2nd aircraft hitting the 2nd Twin Tower which was quite odd to me because I didn't know what had all happened yet along with several million others. My teacher turned the T.V. channle to the news and our whole class room had frozen in shock.


There were cries of ," O my god," and ," How can this be happening?" along with people making jokes about it which was NOT funny. I just sat there frozen thinking, those aircraft were not small, 2 passenger airplanes, but huge Commercial airliners that holds alot more than just 2. I just couldn't believe that this was happening with alot of others frozen in fear and pain.


I also thought, " when I got up this morning, I ignored my mom about what she had said going to school like nothing had happened." That made me feel really guilty because of the fact I knew about it but I ignored it. Sure, I didn't know but its just one of those things if you know what I mean.


After 1st period, the teachers had to turn off the T.V. because no new information was comming up. By then I still didn't know about the Pentagon and Pennslyvania (excuse my spelling) which made things worse to all of us.


When I was walking home, Id normally see kids playing in the streets but not today. Not for 3 weeks after, all I saw were leaves, cars, and The American Flag. Seeing that Flag made me think about how lucky we are to live in this great country. A country that represents Freedom, Liberty and the Home of the Brave. A country where no matter where you come from and what you look like, you can make your dreams come true. It made me feel good to know others cared.


After hearing about the Pentagon and Pennslyvania, I called all my friends and of course my mom just to check up and see if they all right. I apollogized to my mom about ignoring her that morning and acting like a fool because im not that much of a morning person. I gave her a hug when she got home (yes, I admit it) because she sounded starlted on the phone. I watched the news all afternoon until 11:00pm which then I went to bed.


I said a prayer to all the people who had lost their lives in the attack and to the people who had lost anyone or anyone who just was scared from the attack.


Id like to say a few more things before I go and the first is all the people who has lost a member of the family or friend im very sorry and that I pray for you every night.


For all the other proud Americans, im also sorry if you suffered from September 11th and that all of you are also in my prayers.


Id like to salute all the brave men and women who volluntered to fight for our country and that if one day I am drafted I will NOT run, I will proudly serve my country like everyone should. USA Rules!!


And finally id like to thank all the people who had showed their patriotism through the rough times and I want to let you all know (even though alot of people wont read this,) that I will wave the Red, White, and Blue Flag for everyone proudly now and always.


Thanks for reading my little article and God Bless America :guard::trooper::thrawn2::usa: :usa:

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