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No. of units

Crazy_dog no.3

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Guest PhantomMenace

Wait a sec? 12 new units per side? Think about it okay you got the aircruiser there's 1.....now what? Are you adding toybox units into that total? But then even 11 new toybox units is a lot. I can imagine with the rebel alliance because of all the wings that didnt make it in the first game like B, K, S, W,R, V, L, T..hehe..etc. But where are they gonna find 11 all new units for say, the naboo. They already had to scrap the bottom of the barrel to make units for soem civs. Almost all the wookie units were made up. How are they gonna scrap together 11 more for each side? Even if we add in new heroes too, with the vastly popular rebel alliance i can only think of about 4 or so heroes they negelected to add. Gee they gonna be making up a whole slew of units then.

They better put on their thinking caps.:eek:

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Guest PhantomMenace

someone mentioned the idea that they could add neutral hovercars and airships for you to use as gia on bespin and coruscant maps. That would be a good idea for new units. I think it would be cool if they added some of those huge worms that Han flew the millenium falcon into for you to use on asteroid maps. When workers or troops go to close to their holes they would pop out and start devouring them!

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I'm not sure I'm sure what they'll add their are wookie jedi they could add one or two of them. Naboo I'm stomped their really isn't anything they could add then again who say they will add toybox units evenly their not even now.


As for new unit classes maybe a mech super effictive againt heavy weapons right now melee is the only option and with screen their really hard to get close.


Maybe a trooper with a Rocket lancuher to hurt mechs and maybe do some damage to air.


Give grenade troopers more area damage and bonus on troopers no one uses them and this might get um some use.


I'd like better upgardes for rebel air not Y-wing, Y-wing Y-wing but Y-wing B-wing and E-wing maybe. And Z-95, X-wing, A-wing.



Pfff this is hard I don't want units just so they can say 500 units I want them to be usful and new. Well I wish them luck in making um new and usful.

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