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Expansion Pack ideas


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I think it would be tight to incorporate the books into the storyline more than they have, but that might have drawbocks in itself but think about it, they could combine thexwing engine with the c&c fps sorta like shadows of the empire for n64 so you could have flight missions and ground campiangs, now that would be tight!!! :explode::lightning:

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Ok how about linking the XWA engine to the Rebellion engine!:D


You'd have a full time stratagy game going and once you start battling you can bring it into the XWA engine. Creating your own battles and objectives. Thing is about these missions is they actually count, if you win or lose it will effect the overal stratagy and you only get one shot at it.


If they made it fully multi-media squadrons could actually sign up to particular fleets. And Strategy gamers could actually be assigned as fleet leaders and over look and run battles.


If I want anything though it would be to see actual battle damage on ships, I want to see SD lose chunks. Not just bit-mapping holes.

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Ditto on the Rogue and Wraith Squadron idea. I was just thinking about going through the books(X-Wing) and creating missions from the storyline itself. I would like to see more missions from the fringes of the main battle, something that could have a little background that helps to fill in the timeline.:fett::mob: :mob:

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