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riddle, yes another one


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well i was bored and thought, "hey, i wander what's happening on Escapemi. so i came here and decided to put this riddle up. please send me the answers into my pm. it's actually quite easy and a lot of you probably heard it before, but what the hay.


I'm greater than God,

More evil than the Devil,

The Poor have me,

The Rich need me,

And if you eat me, you'll Die.

What am I?


i'll probably post the answer in about a week.

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Originally posted by Al-back from the BigWhoop

yogurt icecream?


(wot was the answer to the last riddle btw?)


no, and wot last riddle? if your confused about the title, i was just saying in general, people put up riddles, this is the first one i put up.


originally posted by murta

the answer's me


sorry you're wrong.

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