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Questions if I may


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I Have not been keeping track of the game all that much so if I ask something thats already been asked well my apologies


1. Anyone know If Biker Scouts are in this game? I loved them in MOTS

2. Do the enimies vanish from screen like they do in JK once killed?

3. Anyone know if there will be various death positions for characters as apposed to simply falling flat forward for example

4. Any idea as to weather or not the Dark trooper will ever make a come back in a FPS


just curious

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1. - Nothing official about them, but I'm leaning towards them not being in, personally... but there's always a chance :)


2. - Almost certainly - they might stay a bit longer than they do in JK, but AFAIK they will vanish after a while.


3. - From what I've gatherd, yes, they will have various death positions - the screenshots probably attest to this, but I'm too tired to go hunting for one that does right now :D


4. - Absolutely no idea :)



Welcome to the JKII forums - enjoy your stay :)

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yeah I though I had messed up and not posted cuase I did not see it show up after I had done it so I made a second one and it showed up so ....... sorry new guy here dang newbies :)




Any word as to if the Baddies will have more things to say


I would find it rather amusing if one could come across points were you hear guards talking to each other like in NOLF funny funny stuff

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I believe so, yes. From what I've heard, you will be able to listen-in on conversations between enemies, especially bored Stormies ;)


I think something was said about this in the XGR radio interview, but I may well be wrong... :confused:


If I remember correctly, Brett Tosti said something about you being able to listen in on a conversation between two Stormies, where one of them mentions that he only has one week left until retirement... Almost makes you feel guilty enough not to 'relieve' him of his arms, doesn't it? :D

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Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy

I believe so, yes. From what I've heard, you will be able to listen-in on conversations between enemies, especially bored Stormies ;)


I think something was said about this in the XGR radio interview, but I may well be wrong... :confused:


If I remember correctly, Brett Tosti said something about you being able to listen in on a conversation between two Stormies, where one of them mentions that he only has one week left until retirement... Almost makes you feel guilty enough not to 'relieve' him of his arms, doesn't it? :D

Well then you could use the mind trick to distract them.. sneak past... and thus the stormie can retire within a week ^_^

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