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sw:GB expansion chat here


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Booo!!! Doesnt sound like too much here except for the new aircruiser. The power droid sounds dumb; why do you need a moving power core??? once you put a power core down somewhere you dont want to move it somewhere else and leave the buldings without power!!!


You could power allied buildings with it, you could move it easily to forward bases, and that's just a few of all the new strategies.


once you put a power core down somewhere you dont want to move it somewhere else and leave the buldings without power!


Allright, here's an example of pure ingeniousity: First you build a power core, then you build a power droid to take with you somewhere else! Hey, I am a genious :D


All this effort they puttin into these dumb new units they coulda just went and made a whole new civ like these chiss...with guys called dark acoloytes that sounds very promising!


Yeah, it's sad that they added two new civs instead of just one... damn, LEC sucks :rolleyes: [/sarcasm]


I could see that being a kick ass civ with a nasty mage like special unit.


Heard about the Jedi Master?


But no; they gonna make walking powercores and an another alphabet wing to the rebel alliance; big deal! As you can see he's pushing for a may release right around the movie release which further reinforces my theory that they just trying to get some "clones software" onto the market when clone-o-mania will be off the charts!!


Hey, that's called milking the fans. If he instead released a NJO expansion, people would wonder why the heck he did that instead of releasing a EP2 expansion pack. I know I originally wanted a NJO pack, but I must be allowed to change my mind, must I not:) and it's looking better than TPM.. :)


And we the players are left with a rushed over game that will be shallow and lacking and new enhancements to be really called an expansion pak cuz what an expansion pak does it expand on the current game. This should be called an addend pack cuz all its gonna do is add a red map; and a flying trubechet.


I imagine the AC must be really easy to swarm with fighters. And they migth just add a new feature that allows bombers to launch torpedoes at it or something neat like that, although I know it's not that likely to happen.


And by the way; isnt walker research already available?? Doesnt it just reduce the minimum range of at-at's so it can shoot stuff that's kinda close? How does this make AT-AT's kick ass and besides i thought the point of not having th AT-AT's be the supreme unit was balance;


They're modifying it, stupid..:rolleyes:


so they gonna go and unbalance a game they say they spent all that time balancing in this Addend Pack??


The other civs get bonuses too, so calm down. And i'm sure they increased the prize to make up for it.

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I like the new units ideas for civs. Let's decide what new units they may have added. I think they'll add the Naboo Flash Speeder.......The Gian speeder in BFN was the AAT destroyer and GB it destroys infantry so maybe they'll add it. The TF should maybe get an um......Heavy STAP like in BFN and the SUPER BATTLEDROID!!! If ya don't know,it's a new Episode 2 TF unit. Just a big(like 3 meters tall I think) silver noneck battledroid. It could either be a Jedi destroyer(cuz they fight Jedi in an arena) or a mech destroyer(grenade troopers suck cuz they keep running back cuz they have a fairly big minimum range. Maybe they'll add my all time favorite Empire unit......THE MT-AT(Mountain Terrain Armored Transport) It's like a big mechanical spider.....for scale to you,the head/cockpit is the size of AT-ST cockpit/head. Ah heck, just add EVERY unit in the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels. And of course for those of who like Jabba,they got him and his minions. And of course new people like Mace Windu,and the upgraded heroes. And then I wonder what units the air cruisers are gonna be from the GFFA(galaxy far far away). I think the Imp Air cruiser will be the Skipray blastboat...it's the only thing that would fit from canon. So um.....I'll quit with my incessant blabber for this post.....

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I think the Rebs new Air Unit will be either an A-Wing or a B-Wing... I'll put more of my money on A-Wing..


And it says the SP campaign follows Echuu sen Jon (Or something like that)


Wasn't he...




That Jedi guy in the Rebel campaign?



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Guest Crimson5
Originally posted by Clefo

I think the Rebs new Air Unit will be either an A-Wing or a B-Wing... I'll put more of my money on A-Wing..


And it says the SP campaign follows Echuu sen Jon (Or something like that)


Wasn't he...




That Jedi guy in the Rebel campaign?





I put my money on the B-wing cause they already have the a-wing in the scenerio editor



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Sometimes with the Language difference between England and the country across the great big pond, 'cussing' words mean different things.


Anyway, as of today, Phantom Menace has been banned for being a naughty person.





Now this is sad...:'(...we are creating a forum that has wayyyyyy 2 much noob control :( ... isnt a forum a place to post your ideas and ur criticizm...???????...(if this idea has been posted allready i am deeply sorry i had only started reading the thread when i saw this and just got sooooo mad about it i had 2 do this)

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