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THIS!! means something.


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"Gone Gold" means the game is finished and the "gold" (master disc) is sent in for copying and shipping, etc.


So within a short time (perhaps a few days) of "going gold" a game will start hitting store shelves.


Yes, a demo might take a long time, but the min. time to create one could be very short indeed.


JK had two demos, one that came with the Voodoo2 cards, that had the first three SP levels (complete with cutscenes) taken directly from the full game. The other had one SP level (Fuel Station Launch, which was 9 IIRC) and one multiplayer map from the full game (Bespin Mining Station)+ 7 MP skins from the full game. It had all the weapons and force powers from the full game, and the cutscene was just a slideslow of screenshots and sound effects and music (mixed from various sources).


Dark Forces had two demos.. one was just 1 SP level (since DF had no MP) which I assume as just the first level, and then a 3 level demo (which oddly enough was also included on the full game disc) which was the first three SP levels.


MotS's demo was simply the first SP level from the full game, nothing else.


All of these demos were released within 2 weeks of the full game, and IIRC, all were released before.


It looks like in this case, if we get a demo, it will most likely be after the full game goes gold, and maybe before it hits store shelves.. but maybe after.

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lol, thats crazy, (my first post btw) I say they make a demo. Its not going to matter anyway, Heck, they are prob making a demo now, so i REALLY doubt the game will be delayed....


Whats one little demo, a multiplayer thing, and maybe 1 or 2 single player lvls....that would not take that long at all, for them I'd say a week to make a demo, AT MOST

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Welcome to the forums, Neonix and Twinmold. Hope you're enjoying your stay. Here... *hands each a chocolate Jedi Medallion* ;)


I'm also one of those who doesn't mind a demo after the game's released...but then, I pre-ordered mine. I know a demo is important to a lot of people, though - it normally would be with me - so I definitely think a demo should be done. I'm not sure the Raven team will be able to get a demo out to download before the game is actually available in stores, though... Even with a demo they have to play-test it and make sure the bugs are at minimum, and that still takes time (unless they're really lucky).


I guess we'll just have to sit tight and see what happens...

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