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To get rid of a rumor once and for all.


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Yesterday, some frantic peeps, (including myself) were hyping about the demo and about a URL on the lucasarts website



When you go to this site, you'l get a white page, now note the extionsion .html.


The lucasarts website uses the .htm extension, now try this URL



There's a 404 error on it, so all this hype around a demo and that url was unjustfull.


these are my two cents.

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Sorry Neonix but you are absolutly wrong

that demo.html was found several days ago (if not weeks), and it was not a white page

Now they made it white but its still there, doesnt matter the extension, it should give you a 404 anyway, If you type any URL with an .html extensions that doesnt exist you get a 404, not a white page

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<font color=cbcbff> A demo is planned, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's planned to release before the game itself. Not only did Raven seem extremely confident about the game in that chat yesterday, they also spoke of the game as if it were in the past. This leads me to believe that they are pretty much done working on the game and I take the "Very close" comment about when they will go gold to mean that it may very well be this coming week that we will see Jedi Outcast heading for the production lines.

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