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Jedi Knight 2 demo?


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They will wait until the full game goes Gold, then take a vacation, and then release a demo to try and convince those who didn't already buy the game to try it out.



Don't expect a "qtest" type of pre-release demo. It doesn't look like they are going to do it.


Damn confident and capable programmers. Arrogant they are! They likely won't have to patch the game either!



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The "Gone Gold Status" is overrated. I mean come on, how many games goes gold and then keeps you waiting for two more weeks just to make the copys that you buy? Ok, maybe not two weeks but definatily one week.


Well having that said I don't think we'll have to wait that long for JK2 after going gold, LucasArts usually have that under a good control. Let's just hope that Activision's that fast over here in Europe...

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Originally posted by Krak3n

In the latest chat with Raven they did say a demo would come out after the game goinf gold. They also said they are very very close to going gold. Might not have to wait too long. I for one can't wait :D


they did not say that :rolleyes:

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Going gold means the game is finished and goes in to production.


The game creators (Raven in this case) make one CD with the finished product and that is taken to a factory or whatever who create thousands of them.


Now i dont think its still the case, but it used to be that that one finished game CD the creators made, it was a gold cd, and known as the gold master.


Therefor going gold means that the game is done and goes into mass production

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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat

they are pressed


*Automatically thinks of a Santas Workshop with loads of steam engines and stuff making hissing and clonking sounds and emitting dark puff clouds*

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