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I don't know about the rest of you.. but I have played JK1 MP since the day it was released on and off (it gets old for MANY months sometimes hehe) and I just have always hated the people who were dark side and guns-only with a PASSION.


A) Why use guns so much when we finally get a game where we can lightsaber duel!! Personally, if I wanted to use guns so much I'd play Halo or Halflife or something :) But maybe that's just me.


B) Grip/Destruction were incredibly over-powered. Absorb ran out too quickly even with it maxed, and on top of that, you still are basically unable to move if being gripped - absorbing or not :(


C) I really wanted there to be a mixture of lighties and darkies but mainly online all I ever saw was darkies with guns and I hated it - (these are just MY experiences, though).


In conclusion.. I just -=REALLY=- hope jedi outcast evens out the lights and darks, makes saber fighting much more dynamic/realistic to the star wars universe, and the guns aren't able to overpower someone quickly who chooses to weild a lightsaber. I also hope saber duels aren't too affected by lag hehe in JK1 you see someone in front of you that slices and you appear to have blocked.. but die? hated that :p


I have high hopes for this game so far really - glancing at some of the amazing aspects that it has displayed in the trailer (such as saber locks <DROOL>, wall-walking, and getting rid of destruction <woot>).


I really play the game to be a JEDI, hehe. I shouldn't have to be forced to play a dark jedi just because jedis were so weak in JK1. If I want to shoot guns and snipe peple all day I'll play Halflife or one of the thousand mods it supports. Im not saying I wont ever shoot anyone in JK2, lol, guns add to the star wars feeling, but I feel sabers should definitly be used MUCH more in JO than they were in JK1.


Anyway, enough of my opinions, what are other peoples' opinions on this subject? I'm anxious to hear :) -Nothin' else to do while eagerly awaiting the damn game to SHIP to mee!!! :)

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Srangely enough, I completely agree with just about everything you said, Vrelic :eek::D


Can't really add much to that :(


What's your opinion on the Sabre-throw? Personally, I think it's great (especially that bit in the PC Gamer UK vid where Kyle gets two Rodians in one throw - sweet :D) but several others have expressed a strong dislike for it...


BTW - Welcome to the forums - make yourself at home, and enjoy your stay :)

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I think the saber throw looks MUCH more refined now than it was in MotS. In MotS it was basically useless, sadly :( I would chuck my saber and someone would easily run around it and grip me to death while I am frantically trying to regroup without a saber, lol :) I sure learned real quick NOT to put points in that one hehe.


This new saber throw in JO looks truly promising, being able to change its direction and what not. One I'll definitly take a shot with and hopefully it isn't useless this time :D


Edit: Btw, I don't believe I have seen that movie you spoke of, you wouldn't happen to have a link to it? :)

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Yea JK1 had those options as well. Yet being restricted to playing solely on the zone (unless one used the IP server boards) it was sometimes hard to find people who wanted to play saber-only games, and the levels that were saber-only were few and far between hehe. Hopefully in this version they will make much more fun levels that are saber-only or better yet, just eliminate the gun spawns in regular DM levels. :)

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Originally posted by Vrelic

This new saber throw in JO looks truly promising, being able to change its direction and what not. One I'll definitly take a shot with and hopefully it isn't useless this time :D

Agreed :D

Edit: Btw, I don't believe I have seen that movie you spoke of, you wouldn't happen to have a link to it? :)

This thread has a link to the 14 Meg version of the PCG vid in it - I don't know if the 94 Meg one is still up anywhere...

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I found the 5 min long movie and it is very very nice :) It's just too bad it was taken like last year at E3. I bet it has changed a lot, but I'm still impressed just by all those saber throws and force pushes :D

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