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Saber Throw as a defensive move?


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I wonder what will happen if someone fires a rocket at me, from FAR and i see it coming, and quickly saber throw my saber directly at it... Will it hit the saber and blow up, or pass right through it?



Any thoughts on such use of the saber throw?

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Originally posted by Desslock

In current game terms, you'd want to use Force push :)


Good idea though.


... which actually matches pretty well with some spoiler info I've heard about Episode II ... something Mace Windu does, involving a certain JF. In this case - as is true with this thread - you are doing more of a 'Force Deflect', but the effect is the same. Nice to see the game matching 'canon' in things that newly appear in both!


It would be funny - but problematic for gameplay - if you could destroy your saber by doing something stupid like blowing up a rocket by saberthrow. If you could, I wonder if it would be better to have the level 'fail' as in RtCW 'forest level', or have to go on without the saber ... ?

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Then you'll have to beat a reborn with your bare hands and finish the game with a red saber :) lol


No i was kind of thinking if the blade hit a the rocket doesnt the rocket just disintegrate?


I pray they wont just pass through each other in the game...

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While a cool idea, if you hit an explosive rocket with something really hot it would detonate, leaving you sabreless... plus there would be ingame difficulties in hitting the damn thing.


How about deflecting blaster bolts from a long way with it, just chuck your sabre into a fire fight you're not involved in, and 're-target' them. Would be funny.

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