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Capes, Flags, etc?


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To all of you who have played elite force or Q3TA have you seen any examples of models wearing capes or trenchcoats. I was just wondering cause I know in most older games capes, cloaks, trench coats, and just about anything with that fluid movment looks really wierd, like its rooted in places (ie all jk1 models). I would really like to see some cool models like darth vadar or basically anyone with a big jedi cloak on that flows correctly. Is it going to be possible for people to make models with such aspects without having to make an entire mod for it?:band::confused::eek::p

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I can only hope that jk has half the physics of hitman. That game had the best physics in a game that I have ever seen. I guess it will probably be like most games in terms of cloaks where they are rooted everywhere except the bottom, probably to expensive in terms of cpu cycles :(


too bad I really wanted to see an awsome vadar with this new engine, but without a cape he just looks like a garbage can.

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If you've played RTCW, then maybe you've seen the Nazi flags hanging on the wall. They seem to flow real well. Of course there is a difference of something on a stationary object and a mobile one but I would thing some of the physics involved here would be similar.

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If anyone has examples of this working, I need to know I want to know which games, screenies ect so that we can work out how its done and how we are going to make the Jedi's have flowing Capes in the TC.

PM me with details or post it on here


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Q3 is the "BEST", and easiest, engine for making textures come alive!


The easiest and best way to do what your talking about, is with a shader file (which is nothing more than a text file with a form of C programing telling the textures what to do). All textures with effects are controlled with a shader file. A cape might be better animated, then with a shader file. But if you mess around enough, you might get the shader file to do what your asking.


Go here for more info on shaders in Q3.

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The Ghoul2 Animation system that Raven are using for JKII is a skeletal animation system. You will need to animate all clothes with what will be quite a complex bone structure if it is to look fluid. Also, the capes/robes will all have to be hand animated... quite a job there to make it look realistic.

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