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CPU Temp revisited


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I'm to lazzy to dig up the previous thread so here we go again...


I'm running an Athlon XP 1700.


System temp: 30c normal, 31c max.


CPU Core temp: 46c normal, 51c max.


These temps are better then what I posted before because I added a couple fans. I also plan to add two more.


Yeah I know 60c+ is considered hot for an Athlon and ~90c is the point where it dies.


I know these temps are fine, I'm curious to see what other people experiences have been.

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Originally posted by WD_ToRMeNt

I'm to lazzy to dig up the previous thread so here we go again...


I'm running an Athlon XP 1700.


System temp: 30c normal, 31c max.


CPU Core temp: 46c normal, 51c max.


These temps are better then what I posted before because I added a couple fans. I also plan to add two more.


Yeah I know 60c+ is considered hot for an Athlon and ~90c is the point where it dies.


I know these temps are fine, I'm curious to see what other people experiences have been.


I'd say that is good. I have an Athlon 1.33 Ghz (Thunderbird) and my idle temp is about 35c and about 41c max for the cpu but my case is cooler. My case temp is about 29c idle and 35c max. I do have a full tower too. Other than my PSU fan, CPU/heatsink fan, vidcard fan on my GF3. I also have one PCI slot fan and a HD cooler fan in the front and that's it. I'm guessing part of the reason your cpu is cooler is because the AthlonXP runs a little cooler (not much) than the Thunderbird core. For my heatsink/fan, I have a Thermalright SK6 with a 6800RPM Delta fan. I can't much more fan noise than that.:)

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Seems a little high for an idle temperature digl. It tends to go up a bit when you are putting a load on your CPU, for instance when running games. Putting a few fans in would reduce the temperature and help your system become more stable.


Oh, and RAVE, no need to mention your 14000 fans again, ok? ;)

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Hmmm...I'm a little bit concerned about my setup at the moment. The MoBo temp is around 32 C, but has gone up to around 35 C. The processor (which is an Athlon T-Bird 850Mhz) is currently running at 59 C...and I haven't noticed it go below 52 C. The odd thing is that I had a couple of heat spikes a day or two ago...where the temperature hit 113 C for a second, because the ASUS Probe alarm window came up. There's also be a few voltage fluctuations.


I'm beginning to wonder if there's a problem with my PSU...or if there's just a glitch in the monitoring software.


I know I definitely need a case fan...the only fans I have at the moment are the one over the CPU and the one in the PSU, and it's a Midi tower, not a full tower.


Can anyone recommend a decent case fan, and maybe a heatsink/fan replacement? :confused:

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Personally, I have a Taisol CGK760, which I'm pretty happy with. Runs at a noise level of 32 dB(A). Cools my CPU pretty well, running at 42 C right now, which is in my room, where I have the heat cranked all the way up. =)


I've also heard good things about Thermalcake 'Silent Viking', which runs at 19dB(A), and supports processors up to XP1900+. Should cool your T-Bird fine.

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Hey digl bro, yes I would be concerned about that case temp. If I were you I'd install some fans to get the air moving. Take a look inside your box and see what the problem is. Try to move the ribbons and wires and what not so they don't block air flow. Fans will be a must though


53C is within the green for cpu temp, but you need to play q3,ut, ef or whatever for an hour straight then see what the highest temp the CPU hit was during that time. You start to loss porformance at around 60c and if it hits 65c you're running to hot for comfort. You might want to install a better heatsink and fan and use the thermal compount Arctic Silver II or III.

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