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What if...


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They already used that plot-line. I don't think they'd do it again. It's entirely possible that the ability to use both sides of the force is given up in the end by Kyle. He might decide to finally turn fully to the light side and he may have to in order to beat the dark jedi in charge of all the bad guys. Meaning we'll have to battle the end guy(or girl) with only light side force powers, and maybe Raven even throws in some of the light powers from MP. Just a thought.

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For some reason, I get the feeling that you'll fight the last guy for the first time, then halfway through the battle, he drains your force powers and you have to fight him through pure will and your saber. Similar to how Jerec dealth with weapons in that last battle (pulled them from you).


Call me weird though :D

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In reality, Luke is a far better jedi (I guess maybe it's my opinion) so even if they had that at the end it wouldn't make sense, to me at least. Anyway, Luke is supposed to kind of watching over Kyle anyway. Maybe even helping him forgo on his jedi training.

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He might decide to finally turn fully to the light side and he may have to in order to beat the dark jedi in charge of all the bad guys. Meaning we'll have to battle the end guy(or girl) with only light side force powers, and maybe Raven even throws in some of the light powers from MP. Just a thought.


I like that idea, though I'd like it more if it had a fully supported turn to the dark side once and for all ending (unlike the rather half-hearted one from JK).


For some reason, I get the feeling that you'll fight the last guy for the first time, then halfway through the battle, he drains your force powers and you have to fight him through pure will and your saber.


Not so sure about this version, would kind of be annoying if you had to fight someone with force rage, choke, lightning etc. with no way at all to counter them! He could just stand back and watch you die. If however you end up on Myrkrr with all those cute little Ysalmari and it's a no force fight to the death...


No I still like the first ending better!

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