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How long will the story span over...?

L'Equa Sinar

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I have been wondering this, how long will the story take over Kyle's life, i don;t know about this section of it all, so i wasn;t sure if it like over a few weeks, months, years? Or maybe at the end if he is an old jedi master like Rahn, Obi Wan etc..? But i know his original Dark Forces story was set before Episode IV wasn't it? So kyle is what...knocking on 40ish now?

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I believe that the general timeline puts him at about the same age as Han, or several years older than Luke (remember he had finished the Academy in time to have left and joined the rebels to steal the Death Star plans in Dark Forces Level I, whereas in EpIV Luke was pining after the Academy?).


As for elapsed time, my assumption / assessment is that it is weeks or months at the most. It is not like a single day or week, as you are tracking an evolving threat and going from star system to star system ... but nor is it an epic of years.

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Well, in Dark Forces Kyle gets the Death Star Plans.:deathstar

In Jedi Knight it is after the second Death Star at Endor, and there is about a 3-4 year span between them.:deathii:

From what I've been able to tell, Outcast comes maybe a year after Jedi Knight, and then we still have to remember Mysteries of the Sith. There could easily be a 5 year timeline including Kyle Katarn. Right before Dark Forces Kyle was in the Imperial Academy, so he was probably a little over 20 years old in that game. In Mysteries of the Sith Kyle's hair is going grey, so I think it spans quite a bit...

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mhmm, well, no-one realy knws how long it will span i guess!! I think something between 3-12 months, i just hope we get to feel the trauma, trials and tribulatons of both the light and dark side of the force, and please, let the jedi duels be better than JK, in that game the concept was there, although, sadly the saber dueling in that game was, although fun, not what you would call "a real simulation" of star wars dueling...

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