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Neuro-Saav Model TD2.3 Electrobinoculars

Electrobinoculars are always available to Kyle throughout the game. They magnify distant objects , are powered by normal battery cells and drain power at a minimal rate. Use the Fire and Alternate Attack keys to zoom in and out. Note that you cannot fire weapons as long as the binoculars are in use. The electrobinoculars power down once they run out of battery power.


Biotech Bacta Canister

Portable and disposable packs of bacta ointments are designed for use in the field. When used, each bacta canister restores a portion of the Kyle's health lost due to wounds. Select this item in your inventory and then use it to instantly boost your health.


Arakyd Mark VII Inquisitor

Similar to the training drones used by Jedi to practice lightsaber skills, this seeker hovers over Kyle and attacks any enemy the player fires upon. The seeker operates for a limited amount of time and then self-destructs.


Light Amplification Goggles

Once acquired, these light goggles always stay in Kyle's inventory. When used, they enhance the overall brightness of the environment but cast everything in a greenish hue. The goggles require batteries to function and will drain power at about the same rate as the electrobinoculars. The player can still fire weapons when the goggles are activated. The goggles power down when the battery power is depleted.



This small salamanderlike creature has the unique ability to push back the Force. When carried by the player during Capture the Ysalamiri, the ysalamiri makes the possessor immune to the affects of Force powers used against him/her. The ysalamirii also prevents the possessor from using Force powers.


Assault Sentry

Roughly the size of a large backpack, this weapon unfurls to become a sentry set to auto-target any enemy threat. Once deployed the sentry cannot be restored to its original portable condition.


Stationary Shield

This stationary energy field can be dropped at any location, at which time it deploys a large flat shield that can block enemy fire and movement. The deflector shield will disappear after expending its power supply or after enduring a certain amount of damage.


Personal Shield Generators

This belt-mounted device projects a protective field around the wearer. As the shield takes damage, its protective rating is reduced. Once depleted, it deactivates until it is recharged by a power converter or shield pickup (exists in large or small versions). This shield does not protect against falling or crushing damage.


Battery Pack

Pick up battery packs throughout levels in order to power the electrobinoculars and light amplification goggles.


Ammo Power Converter

Located throughout levels, the ammo power converter feeds power directly into energy-based weapons. To use it, approach it and then press and hold the Use key. Power converters have a fixed amount of energy and can easily be depleted. When all the power has been converted, the station will burn out.


Shield Power Converter

The shield power converter feeds power directly to Kyle's shield belt. To use the shield power converter, approach it and then press and hold the Use key. It has a fixed amount of energy and can easily be depleted. When all the power has been converted, the station will darken and is rendered useless.



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