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Fun for my family!


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I got some jokes for you to enjoy (No offense to anyone on number 6):


1 - Why do bald men try to get hair but still get haircuts?

2 - The reason that computer company's still use floppy drives in computers is because they notices that they are outdated, so they put them in the computers they sell to get rid of all of the floppy drives they have, yet the company still makes them.

3 - A person is mad at the traffic in the morning and they wonder why they don't come earlier, they get so frustrated and tired that one day they use gallons of energy and time to come earlier and only realize that it's Sunday the moment they get to work.

4 - A boy is afraid of a bully at school, and begs his mom to let him stay home because the mean bully will beat him up. And yet, it's in the mother's blood to still ask "What happened?" when the boy comes home beaten up.

5 - Your boss at work promises you a raise and you are so tired that you rat out at your boss at ask why you didn't get the raise, not noticing that you don't get your paycheck for 2 weeks.

6 - Natty is mad a GB122 for hitting on other people when it's obvious he loves a wall.

7 - People that obviously don't care for me still spend half the day trying to find the 'ø' to spell my name.

8 - No one likes these jokes yet they still seem to be uncontrolably laughing like maniacs.

9 - People say that the Wall is in peoples imagination and you are disturbed because it DOESN'T exsist, then they say that it should be torn down.

10 - Finally, when people say metaphores like "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade", 50% of the people take out the juicer and start searching for lemons.


OK, that was it. I know they were pretty stupid, but post your comments, whether they be good or bad, I don't care! ........Please make them good.

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Ahhh! I did try to lick my elbow....


For a moment I thought it was just a really corny joke...now look who's corny...ME! *sigh*


*walks away*

















*laughs* Ha! About 95% of the people that read this though I was to hit the wall!

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