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JK Level Converter


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I just noticed the news on jkii.net about a level converter that will convert old JK maps into quake3 then into JK2 maps.


and people are getting excited cause they won't have to learn another level editing program.. "yay lets have maps that look as sh1t as JK maps" well maybe its just me but I think its a bad idea. a de-evolution on the maps that might get made.


so if any old school JK mappers are out there happy that they don't have to learn a new map editor please learn radiant

Its more powerful easier and your maps won't look dated.


it might be fun to play the old JK maps in JK2 but I hope the editing scene for JK2 isn't overrun by JK mappers converting their stuff.

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Guest Jolts

old levels need to stay in the past, why people wouldn't want new levels or the chance of making something better confuses me and then makes me cry.

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Due respect for Droid [sp?] for making the plugin tho. As long as people don't just import the levels and leave them at that without adding any of the nice little features that the Q3 engine can do (curves, shaders err... curves!) then there's just no point.


So my word to the masses who are going to do this is:


Learn Radiant! Don't leave the levels as they are!




Learn Radiant! Don't just keep editing JK levels with JED and importing them.


Dragon - who thinks that building levels out of brushes for Q3 is soooo much easier than carving levels for JK.

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By looking at the pics, I can say that Droid's method, while it will work, looks to be really inefficient. It will work, but I can tell you that editors will still have to do a lot (and I mean a lot, so much that it almost isn't even worth it) of fine tuning in JO's editor before the level can be released. I would think that Droid's plugin could only be useful for converting a JK level that was previously constructed and released. I would not recommend using it as a way to not learn Quake editing, i.e. using JED to make JO levels.

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I would think that Droid's plugin could only be useful for converting a JK level that was previously constructed and released.
Bullseye! ;)


I would not recommend using it as a way to not learn Quake editing, i.e. using JED to make JO levels.
Me neither :). This has never been the intention of the plugin.
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